Wednesday, 21st June 2023

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


Slowdown in Remittance Growth - Edukemy Current Affairs


Bonn Climate Meet - Edukemy Current Affairs


National Working Plan Code-2023


Addition of more caste to OBC List


Gita Press awarded Gandhi Peace Prize for 2021


Groundwater Extraction Alters Earth’s Rotation


Synthetic Hydrocarbon Fuel - Edukemy Current Affairs


Geminid meteors - Edukemy Current Affairs


Y chromosome - Edukemy Current Affairs


Wild orchids of North Bengal - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


The IPCC AR6 synthesis report - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Daily Current Affairs

Slowdown in Remittance Growth - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: According to the World Bank’s latest Migration and Development Brief, India is expected to post a growth of just 0.2% in remittance inflows in 2023, after registering a record-high growth of 24% to reach $111 billion, in 2022.

Trends of Indian Remittance growth:

  • Almost 36% of India’s remittances are from the high-skilled and largely high-tech Indian migrants in three high-income destinations i.e. USA, United Kingdom, and Singapore.
  • In 2022, India posted more than 24% growth in its inward remittances to reach $111 billion, higher than the World Bank’s earlier estimate of $100 billion.
  • The remittance in 2022 increased because India’s other high-income destinations also had favorable economic conditions. High energy prices and low food price inflation in the GCC countries, had positive spillovers for less-skilled South Asian migrants.
  • High energy prices favored employment in GCC countries, while GCC governments’ special measures to curb food price inflation shielded migrants’ remitting potential.
  • The top five recipient countries for remittances in 2022 were India ($111 billion), Mexico ($61 billion), China ($51 billion), Philippines ($38 billion), and Pakistan ($30 billion).

Reasons for decline in Remittance growth:

  • Slower growth in OECD economies, especially in the tech sector in the US could affect the demand for IT workers and will impact the flow of remittances in 2023.
  • Limited demand for migrant workers in GCC countries where declining oil prices are expected to slow down growth from 5.3% in 2022 to 3% in 2023.
  • High Base effect: Remittance growth is expected to be the lowest in South Asia (0.3%), because of the high base in 2022 along with slowing demand for highly skilled IT workers in the US and Europe.
  • Increase in Remittance costs: Remittance costs remained high with the global average cost of sending $200 being 6.2% in the last quarter of 2022 up from 6%.
  • Weak balance-of-payments conditions and exchange controls are expected to divert remittances to informal money transfer channels in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

Future trends of Remittances in other regions:

  • Remittance flows to low- and middle-income countries are expected to moderate to 1.4% in 2023, resulting in total inflows of $656 billion.
  • Slowdown in High income countries: Central banks’ tight monetary stances to counter inflation, limited fiscal buffers to absorb shocks amid historically high debt levels, and continued global uncertainty due to Russia’s invasion are likely to slump growth in high-income countries.
  • Lower fuel prices in 2023 will further dampen demand for migrants in the GCC countries, reducing remittance flows to East Asia and the Pacific Islands.
  • Global slowdown in manufacturing will reduce the demand for manufactured goods with implications for East Asian migrants employed in the export factories of China, Malaysia, and Thailand.
  • In Europe and Central Asia, the growth in remittances is expected to fall to 1% due to a high base effect, lingering weakness in flows to Ukraine and Russia, and a weaker Russian ruble against the US dollar
  • Remittances may recover somewhat in the Middle East and North Africa with a decline in oil prices, as remittances to Egypt are expected to rebound.

Significance of Remittances:

  • After Covid-19, remittances are being viewed as a critical financial inflow, and an important source of foreign exchange for several countries including those in South Asia.
  • Remittances measured almost 326% of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 2022, up from 247% in 2019.
  • Remittances are highly complementary to government cash transfers and essential to households during times of need.
  • For India, the largest global recipient, remittances represented 3% of GDP in 2022.


Keywords: GS-3 Growth & Development, Mobilisation of Resources
Daily Current Affairs

Bonn Climate Meet - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: The Bonn Climate Meet, a pivotal gathering of world leaders and experts aimed at addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change, recently concluded.


Bonn Climate Meet brought together representatives from various nations to discuss and negotiate crucial agreements and initiatives. The Bonn conference was marked by both longstanding conflicts and promising advancements, it is essential to examine the key takeaways to assess the overall impact and progress made.

Takeaways from the Bonn Climate Meet

Persistent Conflicts:

  • Despite the collective efforts to combat climate change, the Bonn Climate Meet witnessed the continuation of several long-standing conflicts.
  • These conflicts revolved around issues such as burden-sharing, finance, and technology transfer. Developed and developing nations clashed over the allocation of financial resources and the responsibility for emissions reductions.
  • The persistence of conflicts underscores the challenges in achieving consensus and the need for further dialogue and compromise.

Encouraging Progress:

  • Advancement of discussions on carbon pricing mechanisms: Various countries expressed their willingness to explore and implement carbon pricing policies as a means to reduce emissions and drive sustainable economic growth.
  • Emphasis on fostering innovation and collaboration to accelerate the transition toward renewable energy sources. The progress made in these areas indicates a growing recognition of the urgency to act and the importance of cooperative solutions.

Global Commitment Reinforced:

  • Reinforcement of global commitment to combat climate change. Despite the challenges and conflicts, participating nations reaffirmed their commitment to the Paris Agreement and emphasized the need for ambitious and immediate action.
  • Many countries pledged to enhance their climate targets, aiming to achieve net-zero emissions and promote sustainable development. The collective resolve demonstrated at the conference indicates a renewed global focus on addressing the climate crisis.

The Bonn Climate Meet provided an important platform for world leaders and experts to engage in dialogue and negotiations concerning climate change. While persistent conflicts continued to overshadow the discussions, some encouraging progress was made in areas such as carbon pricing and renewable energy. Moreover, the reaffirmation of global commitment to the Paris Agreement reinforced the urgency and necessity for immediate action. As the world grapples with the escalating climate crisis, it is essential to build upon the takeaways from the Bonn Climate Meet and work towards innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and strengthened international cooperation.

Keywords: GS-3 Environment and Ecology
Daily Current Affairs

National Working Plan Code-2023

In News: Union government releases the "National Working Plan Code-2023"

About National Working Plan Code-2023:

  • The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change has recently released the "National Working Plan Code-2023" for scientific management of forests.
  • India is one of the few countries with a scientific system of forest management, and the new working plan is the main instrument for achieving
  • The National Working Plan Code, first adopted in 2004, aims to bring uniformity and serve as a guiding principle for the preparation of working plans for different forest divisions in the country.
  • The forests in India are managed for various reasons, including:
    • Environmental stability, natural heritage conservation.
    • Soil erosion prevention, dune control,
    • Increasing forest cover with public involvement, and enhancing forest productivity.
  • Major highlights:
    • The code will focus on essentials of forest management planning and incorporates principles of sustainable forest management.
    • It includes aspects such as forest and tree cover extent and condition, biodiversity conservation, wildlife management.
    • It will also include soil and water resource conservation, forest resource productivity enhancement, and socio-economic benefits.
    • For the first time, the code mandates state forest departments to engage in continuous data collection and its updation in a centralized database.
    • It introduces the "Indian Forest Management Standard" as part of the new code to bring uniformity in forest management practices while considering the diverse forest ecosystems in India.
  • The Forest Standard is based on long-term experiences of scientific forest management in India and aligns with international criteria and indicators.
  • It will enable state forest departments to measure the effectiveness of management practices against the prescriptions of Working Plans.
  • Overall, Scientific Forest management in India and globally is continually evolving with new approaches, technologies, and innovations and in this regard the new Code will serve as a guiding principle.

Keywords: GS-2: Government Policies
Daily Current Affairs

Addition of more caste to OBC List

In News: NCBC proposes addition of more caste to OBC central List

About Addition of more castes to OBC List:

  • The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) is processing the addition of approximately 80 castes to the Central List of Other Backward Classes (OBCs).
  • Once the decisions are made, the recommendations are sent to the Cabinet for final approval and subsequent legislation.

Major recommendation:


Major Communities

Andhra Pradesh

Turup Kapu

Himachal Pradesh





Lodhi, Lingayat, Bhoyar Pawar, and Jhandse



  • The Central OBC list currently includes over 2,650 communities from different states and union territories.
  • The addition of these castes to the Central OBC list will provide them with access to various government benefits and reservations in educational institutions and job opportunities.
  • Overall, the expansion of the OBC list will further help to ensure equitable representation and upliftment of marginalized communities beside fostering social equality in the society.

National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC)

  • NCBC is a constitutional body established to safeguard the rights and interests of backward classes in India.
  • It was established in pursuance of the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993.
  • Its primary objective is to identify and recommend the inclusion or exclusion of communities in the Central List of Other Backward Classes (OBCs).
  • The Commission examines the backwardness of various communities based on social, educational, and economic indicators.

Keywords: GS-2: Government Policies
Daily Current Affairs

Gita Press awarded Gandhi Peace Prize for 2021

Why in news? Recently, the jury headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unanimously selected Gita Press, Gorakhpur for the Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2021.


Gandhi Peace Prize

  • Gandhi Peace Prize is an annual award instituted by the Government of India in 1995, on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, as a tribute to the ideals espoused by him.
  • The award is open to all individuals without distinction of nationality, race, language, caste, creed or gender.
  • The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 1 crore, a citation, a plaque and an outstanding traditional handicraft/handloom distinguished work.
  • Selection member: the selection committee for the award is chaired by the Prime Minister and includes members such as the Chief Justice of India, the leader of the single largest Opposition party in the Lok Sabha, the Lok Sabha Speaker, and the founder of Sulabh International.
  • Recent laureates: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Bangladesh Founder) was posthumously awarded in 2020.
  • Significance of the Prize
    • The International Gandhi Peace Prize pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy.
    • The award recognizes outstanding contributions to social, economic, and political transformation through non-violence and Gandhian methods.

Gita Press:

  • Gita Press is the world’s largest publisher of Hindu religious texts.
  • It was founded in 1923 by Jaya Dayal Goyanka and Ghanshyam Das Jalan for promoting the principles of Sanatana Dharma.
  • It has published 41.7 crore books in 14 languages, including 16.21 crore Shrimad Bhagavad Gita books.
  • The award is being given for its outstanding contribution to bringing about social, economic & political change through non-violence and other Gandhian ideals and the completion of 100 years of its establishment.,the%20PM%20tweeted%20this%20morning.

Keywords: General Studies –1 Art & Culture
Daily Current Affairs

Groundwater Extraction Alters Earth’s Rotation

Why in news? A recent study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters reveals that extensive groundwater extraction by humans has had a significant effect on Earth’s rotation.


  • Factors contributing to polar motion include Weather, Seasonal Changes, the molten Core, and powerful Hurricanes.
  • Earth’s Geographic North and South Poles are where its axis intersects the surface; however, they are not fixed.
  • In the past, the poles’ drift was only caused by natural forces like ocean currents and the convection of heated rock deep beneath the Earth.
  • But the new research pitched the redistribution of groundwater as the primary culprit for the drift.
    • Water’s role in altering the Earth’s rotation was discovered in 2016, and until now, the contribution of groundwater to drifts has been unexplored.
  • when we extract groundwater, it shifts the weight distribution on Earth’s surface, causing a slight change in its rotation. This can move the Earth’s axis (the imaginary line it spins around) a little bit.

Key Findings:

  • Between 1993 and 2010, the excessive pumping of groundwater caused the planet’s rotational pole to shift eastward by approximately 80 centimetres.
  • The water circulated across the planet determines how mass is distributed.
  • The research indicates that humans extracted around 2,150 gigatons of groundwater during this period, equivalent to over 6 millimetres of sea-level rise.

Keywords: General Studies – 1 Important Geophysical Phenomena
Daily Current Affairs

Synthetic Hydrocarbon Fuel - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Germany has proposed transitioning to carbon-neutral synthetic fuels for existing internal combustion vehicles instead of phasing them out completely.


  • Synthetic hydrocarbon fuel, also known as synfuel or synthetic fuel, refers to fuels that are produced through chemical processes from non-petroleum sources.
  • Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels can be derived from a variety of feedstocks, including coal, natural gas, biomass, and even renewable energy sources such as solar or wind.
  • The production of synfuels typically involves complex processes such as gasification, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, and hydroprocessin
    • Gasification is a process where the feedstock, such as coal or biomass, is converted into a mixture of gases, primarily carbon monoxide and hydrogen, by reacting it with oxygen or steam at high temperatures.
    • Fischer-Tropsch synthesis involves converting these gasified gases into liquid hydrocarbons through catalytic reactions.
    • Hydroprocessing further refines the liquid hydrocarbons by removing impurities and adjusting the fuel properties to meet specific requirements.
  • Benefits:
    • Producing synthetic fuel could be carbon-negative if the carbon emissions from the fuel are less than the carbon captured during the production process.
    • Even if there is a net carbon release, it may still be lower than the carbon impact of manufacturing a large number of electric vehicles (EVs).
    • Challenges: High initial cost compared to petrol or diesel; engineering hurdles inefficient carbon capture; need for advancements in green hydrogen electrolysis

Keywords: General Studies – 3 Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Daily Current Affairs

Geminid meteors - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission has shed new light on the origin of the intense Geminid meteor shower.


  • While most meteor showers originate from comets, the Geminids are believed to come from an asteroid called 3200 Phaethon.
  • The new findings have perplexed scientists as asteroids are not typically influenced by the Sun’s heat and should not leave behind a trail.
  • The Parker data indicates that a powerful event such as a high-speed collision or a gaseous explosion likely caused the creation of the Geminid stream.
  • 3200 Phaethon is classified as an asteroid- the first to be discovered via satellite.
    • Phaethon is an asteroid, but as it flies by the Sun, it seems to have some kind of temperature-driven activity.
  • It was discovered on Oct. 11, 1983, using the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, and named after the Greek myth of Phaethon, son of the sun god Helios, due to its close approach to Sun.
  • It is blue in colour, which is rare for an asteroid.

Parker Solar Probe mission:

  • The Parker Solar Probe is a NASA space probe launched in 2018 with the mission of making observations of the outer corona of the Sun.
  • It will approach the closest to the sun by 2025. 


Keywords: General Studies –3 Space Technology
Daily Current Affairs

Y chromosome - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Researchers have discovered that the Y chromosome possesses genes linked to ageing and lifespan regulation.


  • The Y chromosome, often referred to as the “master of maleness”, has long captivated scientists and historians alike.
  • In humans, in addition to the 22 pairs of chromosomes in each, we have a pair of sex chromosomes called X and Y. Sex as a specification is determined by these sex chromosomes.
    • All biological males have X and Y chromosomes, and all biological females have two X chromosomes.
  • The ‘sex-determining region Y’ on the Y chromosome determines the biological male sex.


  • It is estimated to have emerged around 200-300 million years ago in a common ancestor of all mammals, the Y chromosome has had a unique genetic journey, and embedded within its DNA lies a remarkable tale of evolution.
  • Recent research has revealed that the Y chromosome possesses genes vital to biological functions, including those related to ageing and lifespan regulation.
  • The study of species that have naturally lost their Y chromosome, such as rodents, provides insights into sex-chromosome turnover and the repurposing of other chromosomes as sex chromosomes.
  • The genome sequences of Neanderthals indicate the replacement of the Y chromosome in modern humans, suggesting that the Y chromosome may eventually yield its role as the “master of maleness” to another chromosome.


  • Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus of cells that carry genetic information.
  • Chromosomes come in pairs, with each pair containing one chromosome inherited from the mother and one from the father.
  • Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46 chromosomes in most cells (except for reproductive cells which have 23 chromosomes).
  • Types of Chromosomes:
    • Autosomes: Non-sex chromosomes (22 pairs in humans) determine most traits.
    • Sex Chromosomes: Determine biological sex (XX for females, XY for males).

Keywords: General Studies –3 Science & Technology
Daily Current Affairs

Wild orchids of North Bengal - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? The wild orchids of North Bengal, known for their beauty, fragrance, and medicinal properties, are disappearing due to deforestation in their natural habitat.


  • Orchids are attractively flowered and colorful plants.
  • They are known for their vibrant and intricate flowers.
  • Orchids are natural gauges of air quality because they don’t grow in polluted air.
  • Habitat: they are found in various habitats around the world, including tropical rainforests, mountains, and even deserts.
  • India has over 1200 species of Orchids (388 are endemic to India, out of which 128 are endemic to the Western Ghats)
    • The Himalayas, North-East parts of India, and Western Ghats are the hotspots of orchids.
    • The highest number of orchid species is recorded from Arunachal Pradesh followed by Sikkim and West Bengal.
  • Protection Status: CITES- Appendix II
  • Orchids are broadly categorized into three life forms:
    • Epiphytic: They are plants growing on another plant including those growing on rock boulders and are often termed lithophytes. About 60% of all orchids found in India are epiphytic.
    • Terrestrial: They are plants growing on land and climbers. 447 species in India are terrestrial. These grow directly on the soil and are found in large numbers in temperate and alpine regions.
    • Mycoheterotrophic: They are plants which derive nutrients from mycorrhizal fungi that are attached to the roots of a vascular plant.
  • Distribution:
    • Himalayan Zone: Richest in orchid species.
    • Northeast India: Highest species concentration.
    • Western Ghats: High endemism of orchids.
    • Highest Number of Orchid Species: Arunachal Pradesh> Sikkim> West Bengal.
  • Uses:
    • For aesthetic purposes.
    • In herbal medicine.
    • Vanilla is produced from Vanilla planifolia orchid.

Keywords: General Studies –3 Environmental, Conservation
Daily Editorial Analysis

The IPCC AR6 synthesis report - Edukemy Current Affairs

Exam View: The IPCC AR6 synthesis report; Danger: Global temperature rise; Path: Urgent ‘climate-resilient development’; Goal: Net zero emissions.

Context: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the synthesis report of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) cycle, drawing together key findings from its six most recent reports. The United Nations Secretary-General has called it a ‘survival guide for humanity’.

Decoding the editorial: The IPCC AR6 synthesis report

Danger: Global temperature rise

  • The report confirms that human activity is ‘unequivocally’ driving global temperature rise, which has reached approximately 1.1° C above pre-industrial levels.
    • Humanity is estimated to be on a 2.8° C (2.1°-3.4° C range) trajectory by 2100.
  • It flags that “For any given future warming level, many climate-related risks are higher than assessed in AR5”. Hence, the relative focus is on 1.5°C rather than on 2°C because:
    • The world carbon budget
      • It is far lower for the 1.5° C than the 2° C target. It notes that the projected CO2 emissions over the lifetime of existing fossil fuel infrastructure without additional abatement already exceed the remaining carbon budget for 1.5° C.
      • Humanity had already consumed 4/5ths of its total carbon budget for 1.5°C by 2019.
      • Striving for a 1.5°C target implies deep and immediate reductions in emissions in all sectors and regions, which makes more salient different national circumstances and questions of climate equity and operationalisation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s core principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility and Respective Capabilities.
    • Early climate adaption
      • The recognition of greater risks at lower temperatures points to the necessity of early climate adaptation.
      • The report highlights that adaptation itself has limits, which implies that some losses and damages of climate change are inevitable.
        • For example, the report finds that some coastal and polar ecosystems have already reached hard limits in their ability to adapt to a changing climate.
      • The effectiveness of some of the adaptation options that are feasible and effective today decreases with increasing warming.
        • For example: urban greening and restoration of wetlands.
        • Certain forms of adaptation such as poorly planned seawalls, dubbed maladaptation, can defer and intensify the impacts of climate for short term and offer iniquitous adaptation gains.
      • It also argues that at higher levels of warming, climate change could lead to cascading risks such as food insecurity, leading to migration, which are intensely challenging to manage.

Path: Urgent ‘climate-resilient development’

  • It is a developmental model that integrates both adaptation and mitigation to advance sustainable development for all.
  • The report assesses the plethora of technologies and design options that can help countries reduce emissions or become more resilient today at low costs, and in a technically feasible manner.
  • It also points to the fact that there are more synergies than trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation actions and Sustainable Development Goals, although it warns against paying inadequate attention to these trade-offs.
  • Prioritising and addressing equity and social justice in transition processes are shown to be key to climate-resilient development.
  • The report strikes a particularly upbeat note on the co-benefits of climate action for air quality.
    • A cost-benefit analysis suggests that the air quality and health benefits of mitigation outweigh its costs.

Goal: Net zero emissions

  • The report finds some tangible evidence of progress in the proliferation of laws and policies.
    • A promising, yet potentially unsung story is that of policy packages, which are a coherent and comprehensive set of policies tied to a particular policy objective that can help countries meet short-term economic goals.
  • At the same time, several gaps remain in humanity’s response so far.
    • There are gaps between modelled sustainable pathways and what countries have pledged (ambition gaps) as well as substantial gaps between what countries pledge and what they actually do (implementation gaps).
    • Delayed action risks locking-in to high carbon infrastructure in this decade, and creating stranded assets and financial instability in the medium term. Therefore, high upfront investments in clean infrastructure are imperative.

However, despite sufficient global capital, both adaptation and mitigation financing need to increase many-fold: between three to six times for annual modelled mitigation investments, from 2020 to 2030.


Keywords: GS Paper-3: Environmental Pollution and Degradation.
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