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Practice Questions - Current Affairs 28-10-2023

Weekly Current Affairs Practice

Practice Questions - Current Affairs 28-10-2023

Q 1. Consider the following Indicators: 

  1. Undernourishment 
  2. Child stunting 
  3. Child mortality 

How many indicators used by IFPRI to compute the Global Hunger Index Report?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 2. At the national level, which ministry is the nodal agency to ensure effective implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006? 

  1. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 
  2. Ministry of Panchayati Raj 
  3. Ministry of Rural Development 
  4. Ministry of Tribal Affairs 

Q 3. Consider the following statements: 

Statement-I: The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is a multilateral treaty that bans all nuclear explosions only for civilian in all environments. 

Statement-II: Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 4. Consider the following statements  

Statement-I: Bats exhibit positive phenomena of Phonotaxis in response to the existing environmental and anatomical conditions. 

Statement-II: Positive phenomena happens when the females of a particular are attracted to the sounds made by the males. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 5. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Passport to Earning Initiative is an e-learning solution launched by ministry of education. 
  2. Passport to Earning Initiative aims to empower youth and connect them to job and self-employment opportunities. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only 

(c) Both 1 and 2 

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q 6. Consider the following statements  

Statement-I: Habitat rights for PVTGs are granted under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. 

Statement-II: Legal provision is the basis for recognizing and securing the rights of PVTGs over their customary territories. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 7. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Forum is the largest global centre of expertise in the world for "waste electrical and electronic equipment". 
  2. It was established in 2017 and is a non-profit association. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only 

(c) Both 1 and 2 

(d) Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 8. World Economic Outlook is released by which of the following organisation? 

  1. International Monetary Fund 
  2. World Economic Forum 
  3. World Bank 
  4. International Energy Agency 

Q 9. Consider the following statements: 

  1. The Central Road and Infrastructure Fund was established in 2000 under the central road fund (CRIF) act 2000. 
  2. CRIF fund comprises a cess imposed along with excise duty on petrol and Diesel. 
  3. Administration control of CRIF falls under the Ministry of Finance. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 10. India enacted the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 in order to comply with the obligations to: 

(a) ILO 
(b) IMF 
(d) WTO 

Q 11. Consider the following statements  

Statement-I: Consanguinity is both a social and genetic concept that refers to a reproductive relationship between two closely related individuals. 

Statement-II: The offspring of consanguineous couples are at increased risk for autosomal recessive disorders due to their increased risk for homozygosity by descent. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 12. Consider the following statements: 

Statement-I: Israel has established diplomatic relations with some Arab States. 

Statement-II: The ‘Arab Peace Initiative’ mediated by Saudi Arabia was signed by Israel and Arab League. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a)   Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I 

(b)   Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I 

(c)   Statement-I is correct, but Statement-II is incorrect 

(d)   Statement-I is incorrect, but Statement-II is correct 

Q 13. The term “two-state solution” is sometimes mentioned in the news in the context of the affairs of  

(a)   China 

(b)   Israel 

(c)   Iraq 

(d)   Yemen 

Q 14. Consider the following statements  

Statement-I: CAR T-cell treatments utilise the patient's own cells, as opposed to chemotherapy and immunotherapy, which both entail taking medications. 

Statement-II: Leukaemia’s and lymphomas have been approved for CAR T-cell treatment. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 15. Consider the following statements: 

  1. International Energy Agency is an independent intergovernmental organisation that was founded in Paris, France, in 1974. 
  2. India Energy Outlook Report is released by International Energy Agency 
  3. India joined the International Energy Agency in 2007. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 16. Which of the following statements is/are correct about the deposits of ‘methane hydrate’?  

  1. Global warming might trigger the release of methane gas from these deposits. 
  2. Large deposits of ‘methane hydrate’ are found in Arctic Tundra and under the sea floor. 
  3. Methane in atmosphere oxidizes to carbon dioxide after a decade or two. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below. 

  1. 1 and 2 only 
  2. 2 and 3 only 
  3. 1 and 3 only 
  4. 1, 2 and 3 

Q 17. Consider the following statements: 

  1. A bill shall be deemed to be a Money Bill if it contains only provisions relating to the imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of any tax. 
  2. A Money Bill has provisions for the custody of the Consolidated Fund of India or the Contingency Fund of India. 
  3. A Money Bill is concerned with the appropriation of money out of the Contingency Fund of India. 
  4. A Money Bill deals with the regulation of borrowing of money or giving of any guarantee by the Government of India. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two 

(c) Only three 

(d) All four 

Q 18. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Arabian leopard is a critically endangered species native to the Arabian Peninsula.  
  2. These leopards were historically found in various parts of the Arabian Peninsula, including the Negev and Judaean deserts 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 only 

(c) Both 1 and 2 

(d) Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 19. Consider the following statements: 

Statement-I: Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited (RITES) is a leading transport infrastructure consultancy and engineering firm in India 

Statement-II: Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited (RITES) was incorporated by the Central Government (Ministry of Railways) under the Companies Act, 1956 in 1976. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 20. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Estivation is a biological occurrence wherein certain animals enter an extended state of dormancy or inactivity as a response to hot and arid environmental conditions.  
  2. Estivation serves as an essential survival tactic aimed at preserving both energy and water resources.  
  3. Animals undergoing estivation typically find refuge in underground burrows and crevices. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Keywords: Weekly Current Affair Quiz
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28th Oct '23 Quiz
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