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Practice Questions - Current Affairs 16-12-2023

Weekly Current Affairs Practice

Practice Questions - Current Affairs 16-12-2023

Q 1. Consider the following statements  

Statement-I: Bankruptcy is when a person or company is legally declared incapable of paying their due and payable bills.  

Statement-II: Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) has jurisdiction over individuals and partnership firms other than Limited Liability Partnerships. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is the correct explanation for Statement- I 

(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement- II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.  

(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect  

(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 2. Which of the following statements best describes the term ‘Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets (S4A)’, recently seen in the news?  

(a) It is a procedure for considering ecological costs of developmental schemes formulated by the Government. 

(b) It is a scheme of RBI for reworking the financial structure of big corporate entities facing genuine difficulties. 

(c) It is a disinvestment plan of the Government regarding Central Public Sector Undertakings. 

(d) It is an important provision in ‘The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code’ recently implemented by the Government. 

Q 3. Consider the following statements: 

  1. The Constitution does not make a provision for Special Category Status. 
  2. Special Category Status was done on the recommendations of the 10th Finance Commission in 1969. 
  3. Special Category Status was first accorded to Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and Nagaland in 1969. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 4. How many of the following given parameters for special category status states are based on Gadgil Formula? 

  1. Hilly Terrain 
  2. Low Population Density  
  3. Strategic Location  
  4. Economic and Infrastructure Backwardness 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) Only three  

(d) All four 

Q 5. Consider the following statements:  

  1. The Election Commission of India is a five-member body. 
  2. Union Ministry of Home Affairs decides the election schedule for the conduct of both general elections and bye-elections. 
  3. The Election Commission resolves the disputes relating to splits/mergers of recognised political parties. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 6. With reference to the recent developments in science, which one of the following statements is correct?  

  1. Functional chromosomes can be created by joining segments of DNA taken from cells of different species. 
  2. Pieces of artificial functional DNA can be created in laboratories.
  3. A piece of DNA taken out from an animal cell can be made to replicate outside a living cell in a laboratory. 
  4. Cells taken out from plasma and animals can be made to undergo cell division in laboratory petri dishes. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) Only three  

(d) All four 

Q 7. Which of the following crop can be cultivated for ethanol?  

(a) Jatropha 
(b) Maize  
(c) Pongamia 
(d) Sunflower 

Q 8. International Labour Organization’s Conventions 138 and 182 are related to: 

(a) Child Labour 
(b) Adaptation of agricultural practices to global climate change 
(c) Regulation of food prices and food security 
(d) Gender parity at the workplace 

Q 9. A satellite is said to be in geostationary orbit when:  

  1. The orbit is geosynchronous. 
  2. The orbit is circular. 
  3. The orbit lies in the plane of the Earth’s equator. 
  4. The orbit is at an altitude of 22,236 km. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) Only three  

(d) All four 

Q 10. Night Sky Sanctuary was recently mentioned in the news, it is going to be establish in which of the Indian state/UTs? 

  1.  Ladakh 
  2. Arunachal Pradesh 
  3. Sikkim 
  4. Jammu and Kashmir 

Q 11. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Coal sector was nationalized by the Government of India under Indira Gandhi. 
  2. Now, coal blocks are allocated on lottery basis. 
  3. Till recently, India imported coal to meet the shortages of domestic supply, but now India is self-sufficient in coal production. 

How many of the statements given above are correct?  

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three  

(d) None 

Q 12. Lieda and Tarragona was recently mentioned in news, these are located in: 

  1. Syria 
  2. Spain 
  3. Morocco 
  4. Algeria 

Q 13. How many countries share land border with Germany? 

  1. Italy 
  2. Austria 
  3. Hungary 
  4. Poland 

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two 

(c) Only three 

(d) All four 

Q 14. Pristina, Mitrovica, and Zvecan was recently mentioned in the news, these are located in which region? 

  1. Kosovo region 
  2. Nagorno-Karabakh  
  3. Tigray Region 
  4. Sahel Region 

Q 15. Raqqa was recently mentioned in news, it is located in: 

  1. Iran 
  2. Turkey 
  3. Iraq 
  4. Israel 

Q 16. Consider the following Countries: 

  1. Cambodia 
  2. Vietnam 
  3. China 

How many of the above countries share border with Lao PDR? 

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three 

(d) None 

Q 17. Which of the following country is not a land-locked countries? 

  1. Namibia 
  2. Zambia 
  3. Malawi 
  4. Botswana 

Q 18. Agadir is located in which of the following country? 

  1. Morocco 
  2. Algeria 
  3. Spain 
  4. France 

Q 19. Tigray region is between which of the following country? 

  1. Eritrea and Ethiopia 
  2. Yemen and Somalia 
  3. Sudan and South Sudan 
  4. Ethiopia and Kenya 

Q 20. Consider the following location in news: 

  1. Bayda 
  2. Derna 
  3. Tukara 

How many of the above are located in Libya? 

(a) Only one  

(b) Only two  

(c) All three 

(d) None 

Keywords: Weekly Current Affair Quiz
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16th Dec '23 Quiz
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UPSC Daily Current Affairs focuses on learning current events on a daily basis. An aspirant needs to study regular and updated information about current events, news, and relevant topics that are important for UPSC aspirants. It covers national and international affairs, government policies, socio-economic issues, science and technology advancements, and more.

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