Tuesday, 22nd November 2022

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


India’s first suicide prevention policy


Global Partnership on AI - Edukemy Current Affairs


Photonic Crystal - Edukemy Current Affairs


Narco Test - Edukemy Current Affairs


Network Readiness Index - Edukemy Current Affairs


Olive Ridley Turtles - Edukemy Current Affairs


Bank Management Amendment 2022


National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS)


Cryptocurrency - Edukemy Current Affairs


Soft loans - Edukemy Current Affairs


Nicobari Hodi - Edukemy Current Affairs


Donyi Polo Airport - Edukemy Current Affairs


Islamic Banking - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


10 steps to make quasi-judicial courts work for the people

3   Case Study of the Day


Medieval Indian History: Lachit Borphukan

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Daily Current Affairs

India’s first suicide prevention policy

In News

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced a National Suicide Prevention Strategy (NSPS), the first of its kind in the country, with time-bound action plans and multi-sectoral collaborations to achieve a reduction in suicide mortality by 10% by 2030.

About the News:

  • The recent National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report stated that 64 lakh people died by suicide in 2021. As per report, males are more vulnerable to dying by suicide than females in India.
  • Suicide is the top killer in the 15-29 years category. In the past three years, the suicide rate has increased from 10.2 to 11.3 per 1,00,000 population.
  • Certain states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Karnataka share a disproportionately large burden of suicides in India.
  • The most common reasons for suicide include family problems and illnesses, which account for 34% and 18% of all suicide-related deaths.
  • The decriminalization of suicide through the Mental Healthcare Act 2017 (MHCA), was the first step towards suicide prevention.

What is the Goal of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy?

To reduce suicide mortality by 10% in the country by 2030 by adopting REDS path for suicide prevention:

  • Reinforce leadership, partnerships and institutional capacity in the country.
  • Enhance the capacity of health services to provide suicide prevention services.
  • Develop community resilience and societal support for suicide prevention and reduce stigma associated with suicidal behaviour.
  • Strengthen surveillance and evidence generation.

 What is the strategy delineated for suicide prevention in NSPS?

  • To establish effective surveillance mechanisms for suicide within the next three years
  • To establish psychiatric outpatient departments that will provide suicide prevention services through the District Mental Health Programme in all districts within the next five years
  • To integrate a mental well-being curriculum in all educational institutions within the next eight years.

Other strategies suggested are:

  • Establishing guidelines for responsible media reporting of suicides and restricting access to means of suicide.
  • Establishing crisis intervention centres and helplines
  • Developing community resilience and societal support for suicide prevention
  • Monitoring of both, the mental health of the population and the impact of mental health programmes.


  • https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/health-ministry-rolls-out-countrys-first-suicide-prevention-policy/article66166012.ece
  • https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/National%20Suicide%20Prevention%20Strategy.pdf

Image Source:

  • https://main.mohfw.gov.in/sites/default/files/National%20Suicide%20Prevention%20Strategy.pdf




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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Issues relating to the development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
Daily Current Affairs

Global Partnership on AI - Edukemy Current Affairs

In news

India will be taking over the Chair of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) from France.

About GPAI

  • The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is a multi-stakeholder initiative which aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice on AI by supporting cutting-edge research and applied activities on AI-related priorities.
  • GPAI was launched in 2020, with fifteen members, and GPAI is described as the ‘fruition of an idea developed within the G7.’
  • The initiative facilitates international cooperation on artificial technology by bringing together on a single platform, experts from fields such as science, industry, civil society, governments, international bodies, and academia.
  • At present, GPAI has twenty-five member states, with India being a founding member.
  • Further, in the election for the Council Chair, India received more than two-thirds majority of the first-preference votes.

About Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

Measures taken to promote AI in India

  • MeitY's programme 'FutureSkills PRIME' in collaboration with NASSCOM, a B2C framework for re-skilling/ up-skilling IT professionals in AI.
  • The Government published the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence IN 2018.
  • ‘National AI Portal’, which is a repository of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based initiatives in the country.
  • National Programme on Responsible Use of AI for Youth, with the objective to empower the youth to become AI ready and help reduce the skill gap, and promote AI awareness among Government school children.
  • The Government of India organised Responsible AI for Social Empowerment (RAISE) in 2020, to drive India’s vision and roadmap for social transformation, inclusion and empowerment through responsible AI.
  • Setting up of 'Centres of Excellence’ on various Emerging Technologies including Artificial Intelligence.
  • The government has constituted the National Research Foundation (NRF), as an autonomous body to boost research across segments including AI, under the new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.


  • GPAI
  • Artificial Intelligence PIB



Image source

  • https://oecd.ai/en/gpai
  • https://www.hdatasystems.com/localhost/bloghyper/images/benefits%20of%20artificial%20intelligence.png


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests: Artificial Intelligence, GPAI.
Daily Current Affairs

Photonic Crystal - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Graphene-stabilised tunable photonic crystal recently discovered by researchers has potential applications in making more durable and better reflective displays and laser devices.

  • Photonic crystals are optical nanostructures in which the refractive index changes periodically.
  • The Refractive index, is the measure of the bending of a ray of light when passing from one medium into another.
  • This affects thepropagation of light in the same way that the structure of natural crystals gives rise to X-ray diffraction and that the atomic lattices (crystal structure) of semiconductors affect their conductivity of electrons.
    • Photonic crystalsoccur in nature in the form of structural colouration and animal reflectors. Examples found in nature include opal, butterfly wings, peacock feathers,, exhibiting distinct iridescent colours.
  • Uses:
    • Photonic crystals promise to be useful in a range of applications ranging from reflection coatings to optical computers when artificially produced or engineered in laboratories.
    • They enable the PCs to exhibit structural colours in the visible spectral regime.
    • Researchers have also been on the constant lookout for tuning the properties in-situ post-fabrication.
    • The development of advanced photonic materials and devices using Liquid Crystals (LC) that exhibit self-organization, phase transitions, and molecular orientation behaviours in response to external stimuli is attracting significant interest.


  • https://www.pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1876132
  • https://d-nb.info/993188729/34



Image source:

  • https://slideplayer.com/slide/10660963/


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Keywords: GS Paper 3:, Science and Technology: Photonic Crystal
Daily Current Affairs

Narco Test - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Recently the SC objected Saket HC’s permission to conduct Narco Test.

  • In Narcoanalysis, a drug called sodium pentothal is injected into the body of the accused, which transports them to a hypnotic or sedated state, in which their imagination is neutralised. In this hypnotic state, the accused is understood as being incapable of lying and is expected to divulge information that is true.
    Legal and Constitutional Aspects:
  1. In the Selvi vs State of Karnataka & Anr case (2010): no lie detector tests should be administered without the consent of the accused as per the SC.
  2. K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal, 1997: the SC ruled that involuntary administration of the polygraph and narcos test will amount to a violation of the Right to Life and Liberty (Article 21).
  3. Article 20 (3): Right against self-incrimination states that no accused can be compelled to be a witness against himself.
  • It is different from the polygraph test which is based on the assumption that physiological responses are triggered when a person is lying.



  • https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/everyday-explainers/what-narco-test-aaftab-poonawalla-8274371/lite/

Image Source: 

  • https://www.forensicscienceexpert.com/2020/01/truth-serum-narco-analysis.html


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Keywords: GS II:, Polity and Governance: Fundamental Rights and Justice Delivery System
Daily Current Affairs

Network Readiness Index - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Recently India climbs up six slots, and placed at 61st rank as per Network Readiness Index 2022.
  • The NRI Report maps the network-based readiness landscape of 131 economies based on their performances in four different pillars:
  1. Technology
  2. People
  3. Governance
  4. Impact covering a total of 58 variables.
  • Published by: The report has been prepared by the Portulans Institute, an independent non-profit, nonpartisan research and educational institute based in Washington DC.
  • Nodal Ministry: Union Ministry of Communication
  • Key Highlights: India has not only improved its ranking, but also improved its score from 74 in 2021 to 51.19 in 2022.
  • India secured
  1. 1st rank in “AI talent concentration”
  2. 2nd rank in “Mobile broadband internet traffic within the country” and “International Internet bandwidth”
  3. 3rd rank in “Annual investment in telecommunication services” and “Domestic market size”
  4. 4th rank in “ICT Services exports”
  5. 5th rank in “FTTH/Building Internet subscriptions” and “AI scientific publications”.

  • India is ranked 3rd out of 36 in the group of lower-middle-income countries after Ukraine (50) and Indonesia (59).


  • https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1877303
  • https://www.livemint.com/news/india-climbs-up-six-slots-ranks-61st-on-network-readiness-index-2022-11668871919996.html



Image Source:

  • https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-climbs-six-places-61st-rank-network-readiness-index-8278175/


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Keywords: GS III: Science & Tech:, International Indices and Rankings
Daily Current Affairs

Olive Ridley Turtles - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Pairs of Olive Ridley Sea turtles have begun emerging on the sea waters off Gahirmatha along the Odisha coast, marking the commencement of the annual mass nesting of these endangered marine species.
  • Gahirmatha in Kendrapara district, Odisha, is the world’s largest rookery for Olive Ridley Sea turtles; they also turn up at the Rushikulya river mouth in Ganjam district and the Devi River mouth in Puri district for mass nesting.
  • The female turtles swim to the beaches for laying eggs, the phenomenon described as ‘arribada’ or mass nesting and then leave the nesting ground.
  • A single female can lay 80 to 120 eggs and sometimes even twice in a season; to increase the hatchling's survival rate, as approximately 1 hatchling survives for every 1000 hatchlings that enter the sea waters.
  • Hatchlings emerge from these eggs after 45-60 days.

  • The species is recognized as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red list & were accorded a Schedule-1 animal category under the Wildlife (Protection) Act for their highly threatened status.
  • Olive ridleys face serious threats across their migratory route, habitat and nesting beaches, due to human activities such as turtle-unfriendly fishing practices, and the development and exploitation of nesting beaches for ports, and tourist centres.

Sources: https://theprint.in/india/olive-ridley-sea-turtles-sighted-off-odisha-coast/1227609/


Image source: https://twitter.com/moefcc/status/1361250493721321473


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Keywords: GS Paper 3:, Environment and Ecology: Olive Ridley Turtle
Daily Current Affairs

Bank Management Amendment 2022

  • Why in news? Recently, the government has increased the maximum term for the managing director and chief executive officer of public sector banks (PSBs) from 5 to 10 years, subject to a retirement age of 60.


  • The move will help the government retain talents, who rise through the ranks relatively quickly at state-run banks.
  • It will also enable the PSBs to have relatively young leadership teams that will be in a better position to realise a longer-term vision.
  • The change in the rule also applies to the whole-time directors of central public-sector enterprises.


  • https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/economy/story/govt-raises-maximum-tenure-of-psu-banks-md-and-ceo-from-5-years-to-10-years-353335-2022-11-18
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/business/banking-and-finance/govt-extends-tenure-of-psb-md-ceo-to-10-years-8276807/


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Keywords: General Studies –3 Indian Economy, Banking and Finance
Daily Current Affairs

National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS)

Why in news? Recently, the National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) and 1M1B Foundation signed MoU to train teachers and students of Eklavya Model Residential Schools.


  • It is an autonomous organization that was established under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs with the aim of providing high-quality education to all the tribal students across the country.
  • The program will capacitate teachers and students with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality skills.
  • 1 Million For 1 Billion (1M1B), is a USA-based Not for Profit Company accredited to UN Organization with special consultative status to the UN Economic and Social Council.





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Keywords: General Studies –2 Education, Government Policies & Interventions, social empowerment, Indian Society, Welfare Schemes
Daily Current Affairs

Cryptocurrency - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, around three quarters of newfound bitcoin investors have lost money when putting their funds into the great crypto game.


  • It is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions.
  • Cryptocurrencies don't have a central issuing or regulating authority, instead use a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.
  • It is supported by a decentralized peer-to-peer network called the




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Keywords: General Studies –3 Economy, Science and Technology Mobilization of Resources, IT & Computers
Daily Current Affairs

Soft loans - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? The volume of India’s soft loans to neighbouring countries has increased from about $3 billion to almost $15 billion in the last eight years.


  • A soft loan is a loan with no interest or a below-market rate of interest.
  • Soft loans are often made by multinational development banks such as the Asian Development Fund affiliates of the World Bank etc.
  • Soft loans have lenient terms such as-
    • Namesake interest rate
    • Extended grace periods in which only interest or service charges are due
    • Interest holidays
    • Long tenure up to 50 years







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Keywords: General Studies –3, Indian Economy Banking and Finance
Daily Current Affairs

Nicobari Hodi - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands filed an application, seeking the Geographical Indication (GI) tag for the Nicobari Hodi craft.


  • The hodi is the Nicobari tribe’s traditional craft.
  • It is an outrigger canoe, very commonly operated in the Nicobar group of islands.
  • The hodi is built using either locally available trees or from nearby islands, and its design varies slightly from island to island.
  • Hodis are used for transporting people and goods from one island to another, for sending coconuts, for fishing and racing purposes.





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Keywords: General Studies –2, Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

Donyi Polo Airport - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Prime Minister inaugurated the first Greenfield airport in Arunachal Pradesh — the Donyi Polo Airport at Itanagar.


  • It is the only airport in the capital city and third in the state after Pasighat and Tezu airports.
  • The name of the airport reflects age-old indigenous reverence for Sun (‘Donyi’) and Moon (‘Polo’).






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Keywords: General Studies – General Studies – 3, Economy Infrastructure development
Daily Current Affairs

Islamic Banking - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

Recently, Pakistan's finance minister announced the introduction of Interest-free banking in the country. RBI in 2017, after a proposal to introduce Islamic banking in the country, had decided to not pursue it further.

What is interest-free/Islamic banking?

  • Interest-free banking is a narrow concept within the Islamic banking system that denotes the number of banking operations which avoid interest.
  • Islamic banking refers to banking activity that conforms to laws and values laid down by Islamic law or Sharia. The basis of Islamic finance is the rejection of usury while lending money, along with the requirement that there must not be any engagement with immoral businesses.
  • Riba is the Islamic term for interest charges on loans, and according to the current interpretation, covers all interest, not just excessive interest. Under Islamic law, a Muslim is prohibited from paying and accepting interest on a predetermined rate.
  • As per Islamic banking, money can only be parked in a bank without interest and cannot be used for speculative trading, gambling, or trading in prohibited commodities such as alcohol or pork.

How does a Sharia-compliant bank operate without levying interests?

Various instruments are available for those who want to take credit from a Sharia-compliant bank.

  • Ijarah: It is for those who want to take credit from a Sharia-compliant bank. Here, the bank purchases the asset on behalf of the client and allows its usage for a fixed rental. After a mutually agreed time, the ownership of the asset is transferred to the client
  • Murabaha: It is for working capital, in which the asset is purchased by the bank at market price and sold to the customer at a mutually-decided marked-up cost. The client can repay in instalments.
  • Musharaka It is a joint investment by the bank and the client, in which both contribute to funding an investment or purchase and agree to share the profit or loss in agreed-upon proportions.

How could the Islamic banking system benefit India?

  • Islamic banking system could give access to the economically disadvantaged section of society and bring financial inclusion.
  • Majority of companies in the Stock Exchange are sharia compliant which would result in attracting huge funds in the domestic market.
  • Islamic Banking window would attract huge investments from Muslim communities and West Asian investors who invest only in sharia-compliant projects.

What are the concerns associated with the introduction of Islamic Banking in India?

  • India being a secular country by Constitution, opening any financial institution with the name of religion can raise the question among other religious groups.
  • Lack of adequate workforce trained in Sharia banking.
  • Section 8 of the Banking Regulation Act, mandates that a banking company cannot deal in the selling or buying or bartering of goods, which is prevalent in Shariah-compliant structures such as Murabaha in India.
  • Islamic banking may pave the way of entry for terrorist funding.


  • https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-global/what-interest-free-banking-recently-given-green-light-pakistan-8263431/

Image Source:

  • https://www.banking.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Islamic-banking-awareness-campaign-infographic.jpg


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Keywords: GS-3 Indian Economy and issues relating to mobilization, of resources
Daily Editorial Analysis

10 steps to make quasi-judicial courts work for the people

Making the Quasi-Judicial Bodies Works

Exam View: Structure, organization and functioning of the judiciary, Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-judicial bodies etc

In News: There is a class of quasi-judicial agencies that are not discussed in conversations on the pendency of cases. They can act as an important cushion in the early disposal of cases and reduce the burden of the judiciary.

A quasi-judicial body is “an organ of Government other than a Court or Legislature, which affects the rights of private parties either through adjudication or rulemaking”.

It is not mandatory that a Quasi-Judicial Body has to necessarily be an organization resembling a Court of Law. For example, the Election Commission of India is also a Quasi-Judicial Body but does not have its core functions as a Court of Law.

Some examples of Quasi-Judicial Bodies: Election Commission of India, the National Green Tribunal, the Central Information Commission (CIC), Lok Adalat etc.

Functions of quasi-judicial bodies:

Issues with quasi-judicial bodies:

  • Understaffing of bodies: The maladies that these agencies suffer from are far graver than judicial set-ups, as they are staffed by revenue authorities who have several other functions.
  • More administrative and less judicial work: Their engagement with duties such as law and order, protocol, coordination, and other administrative functions leaves them with much less time for court work.
  • lack proper knowledge of law and procedures: Several of the presiding officers lack proper knowledge of law and procedures, which has landed many a civil servant in deep trouble in sensitive matters such as those related to arms licences.
  • Limited access to records: Their access to court clerks and record keepers is limited. Computers and video recorders are not available in many of these courts. Except in some states such as Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
  • Lack of availability of data: Data on the level of pendency or the speed of disposal is not compiled in many states.

Quasi-judicial bodies form the substantial institutions of judicial system. It is regularly side-lined when we talk about the judicial reforms. If we could make our quasi-judicial bodies function properly and efficiently, it will reduce the burden on High courts and Supreme court.

A multi-pronged action plan inclusive of legal, governance and Human Resource reforms is required to move ahead. The government should make the efficient functioning of these agencies a priority and clearly articulate its position on the issue.

Procedural reforms such as minimizing adjournments, mandatory filing of written arguments and other such reforms proposed by bodies like the Law Commission for reform of the Civil Procedure Code should be adopted by adjudicating bodies.




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Keywords: GS Paper –1, GS Paper –2 Supreme Court, quasi-judicial bodies, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code etc
Case Study of the Day

Medieval Indian History: Lachit Borphukan


The 400th birth anniversary of Assam’s legendary war hero Lachit Borphukan will be celebrated as ‘Lachit Divas’ across the state on 24th November.

About Lachit Borphukan:

  • Lachit Borphukan was a commander in the erstwhile Ahom kingdom and is known for his leadership in the 1671 Battle of Saraighat which thwarted an attempt by the Mughals to capture Assam.
  • The Battle of Saraighat was fought on the banks of the Brahmaputra in Guwahati.
  • During the last phase of the Battle of Saraighat, when the Mughals attacked the Assamese forces through the river in Saraighat, many Assamese soldiers began losing their will to fight. It was Lachit’s clarion call to all the soldiers that inspired them to fight till their last breath, ultimately resulting in the defeat of the Mughals.
  • The National Defence Academy (NDA), ever since 1999 has been conferring the best passing-out cadet with the Lachit Borphukan gold medal.
  • In memory of Borphukan, the Chief Minister announced that a 125-foot bronze statue will be built at his memorial at Hollongapar in Jorhat district.


  • https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/400th-birth-anniversary-of-assams-war-hero-lachit-borphukan-to-be-celebrated/article66160201.ece

Image Source:

  • https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/lachit-borphukan-birth-anniversary-pm-modi-amit-shah-pay-homage-to-the-assam-warrior-2329602


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Keywords: GS-1: Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities.
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