Monday, 12th July 2021

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Interpol meet- global strategy against growing ransomware threat


OPEC’s output pact proposal


Authorized Economic Operators Program

2   Featured News


Role of Co-operatives in Covid times

3   Terms & Concepts


This Day in History - Cigarette Smoking


Image of the Day- Presena Glacier


Lymphatic Filariasis


GI Certified Bhalia Wheat


SPARSH (System for Pension Administration Raksha)


STI-led BRICS Innovation Cooperation Action Plan (2021-24)

4   Editorial of the day


Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific


UAPA’s inherently flawed architecture and the role of courts


New Ministry of Cooperation must help those themselves

5   Case Study of the Day


Biodiversity and Food: Tuber Man

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News Snapshot

Interpol meet- global strategy against growing ransomware threat

In News

The recent Interpol meet has called for global strategy against growing ransomware threat.


About the News

  • The Global Strategy: About 300 officers from 167 countries attended the Interpol’s annual conference and called for a global strategy in response to the threat of ransomware, aiming to successfully build trust, effective exchange of data, and maximise rapid operational assistance to law enforcement agencies.
  • Strengthening National Central Bureaus (NCBs): The meeting endorsed measures to boost the role of its NCBs, in view of the evolving threats, technology and the pandemic shifting the foundations of police work. These measures are aimed at optimising the performance and operational capacity of the NCBs, and enhance international police cooperation. In India, the CBI is the NCB for Interpol.
  • INTERPOL’s I-24/7: The meeting aimed for operational and investigative support to expanding INTERPOL’s I-24/7 secure communications network. Databases are accessed via I-24/7, which is technical network that links law enforcement in all member countries and enables authorized users to share sensitive and urgent police information with their counterparts around the globe.
  • I-CAN: Project I-CAN is a three-year INTERPOL initiative funded by the Italian Department of Public Security. It coordinates an international law enforcement approach by leveraging INTERPOL’s capabilities and analytical tools to share expertise, intelligence and best practices.


Need for a global strategy against ransomware

  • Meaning: In ransomware attacks, hackers encrypt a victim’s computer network and demand a ransom to decrypt Ransomware groups also sometimes steal documents and demand money not to make them public, a second form of extortion.
  • Increase in number of Attacks: Ransomware attacks globally increased 41 percent since the beginning of the year and 93 percent year-over-year. India is one of the most affected countries in terms of ransomware attacks, according to a global survey “The State of Ransomware 2021. India tops the list of top 30 countries for ransomware attacks with 68 per cent of Indian organisations surveyed being hit by ransomware in the last 12 months.
  • Impact: Ransomware attacks have had significant financial repercussions. As per the survey, the average total cost of recovery from a ransomware attack has more than doubled in a year. In India, the approximate recovery cost from the impact of a ransomware attack tripled in the last year, up from $1.1 million in 2020, to $3.38 in 2021.




Keywords: Interpol, Ransomware, Paper 2, Paper 3, Technology
News Snapshot

OPEC’s output pact proposal

In News

The United Arab Emirates pushed back against a plan by the OPEC oil cartel and allied producing countries to extend the global pact to cut oil production beyond April 2022.


About the News

  • Context: The combined OPEC Plus grouping of members led by Saudi Arabia and non-members, chief among them Russia, failed to reach an agreement on oil output. The UAE called the proposal to extend the agreement for the entirety of 2022 without raising its production quota “unfair to the UAE”.
  • Background: The OPEC+ group of countries had, in April 2020, entered into a two-year agreement, which entailed steep cuts in crude production to deal with a sharp fall in the price of oil as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The price of Brent crude hit an 18-year low in April 2020 as economic activity around the world crashed as countries dealt with the pandemic. The initial production cut by OPEC+ was about 22 per cent of the reference production of OPEC+ nations.
  • In April, OPEC+ agreed to gradually increase crude production as prices reached $64.5 per barrel.
  • UAE’s objection: The UAE agreed that there was a need to increase crude oil production from August but did not agree to a condition by the OPEC Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) that the two-year production agreement be extended by six months.
  • The UAE’s key objection to the existing agreement is the reference output used to calculate the total production apportioned to each oil-exporting country, as it was not reflective of the UAE’s production capacity and, therefore, led to the UAE being apportioned a lower share of total production of crude oil. The UAE said that it would be open to extending the agreement, only if baseline production levels were reviews to be fair to all parties.
  • The Dilemma: OPEC faces conflicting pressures after last year's plunge in oil prices as the pandemic wiped out travel and energy use. The oil producers' sharp output cuts kept prices from collapsing even more than they did. Raising production now, as vaccination campaigns stoke hopes of economic recovery, would increase revenues for producing countries that have seen their budgets hard hit by lower prices. But pumping too much too soon could undermine the rebound in energy


How will the decision on Oil production impact India?

  • If the UAE and other OPEC+ nations do not reach an agreement to increase production in August, expected relief in the form of lower crude oil prices could be delayed. India is currently facing record-high prices of petrol and diesel, with pump prices of the former exceeding Rs 100 per litre in 13 states and Union Territories.
  • High crude prices have led to Indian oil marketing companies hiking the price of petrol by about 19.3 per cent and that of diesel by about 21 per cent since the beginning of 2021.




Keywords: OPEC, Oil Cartel, UAE, International relations, Import, Paper 3, economy
News Snapshot

Authorized Economic Operators Program

In News: The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBITC) has launched the online filing of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) applications to ensure continuous real-time and digital monitoring of physically filed AEO applications for timely intervention and expedience.

AEO Program

  • AEO is a program under the aegis of the World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.
  • The programme aims to enhance international supply chain security and facilitate movement of legitimate goods.
  • Under this program, an entity engaged in international trade is approved by Customs as compliant with supply chain security standards and granted AEO status & certain benefits.
  • Benefits of AEO status include expedited clearance time, fewer examinations, improved security, and communication between supply chain partners. AEO is a voluntary program.


The Indian AEO Programme

  • In order to facilitate the ever-growing international trade, the three tier Indian AEO Status provided for exporters and importers are AEO T1, AEO T2 and AEO T3.
  • Facility of Direct Port Delivery of Import Containers and/or Direct Port Entry of Export Containers.
  • Provision of Deferred Payment of duties, Benefits of Mutual Recognition Agreements, etc.


Aim of the Indian Customs AEO Programme

  • To provide business entities with an internationally recognized certification.
  • To recognize business entities as secure and reliable trading partners.
  • To incentivize business entities via saving time and cost.
  • Secure supply chain from point of export to import.
  • Enhanced border clearance
  • Minimal security related disruption to flow of cargo.


Benefits of the Programme

  • There is worldwide recognition as safe, secure, and compliant business partners in international trade.
  • India gets trade facilitation by a foreign country with whom India enters into a Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement (MRA- an international agreement by which two or more countries agree to recognize each other's conformity assessment results).
  • It enables Indian Customs to enhance and streamline cargo management through close cooperation with importers, exporters, logistics providers, custodians or terminal operators, custom brokers, and warehouse operators.
  • A liberalized, simplified, and rationalized AEO accreditation process has potential to promote Ease of Doing Businessand to emulate global best practices.

Primary source:;jsessionid=A5ACFC815124C9EEAACFDF39C9B0CB92


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Keywords: Authorized Economic Operators, Customs, Trade, Ease of Doing Business, Paper 3
Featured News

Role of Co-operatives in Covid times

In News

The Union government has recently announced the creation of a new ministry of cooperation for cooperative societies in the country.


About the News

  • The ministry will provide a separate administrative, legal and policy framework to strengthen the cooperative movement in the country. It has been created with the vision of ‘Sahakar se Samriddhi’ (prosperity through cooperatives).
  • In India, co-operative based economic development model is very relevant where each member works with a spirit of responsibility. The Ministry will work to streamline processes for ‘Ease of doing business’ for co-operatives and enable development of Multi-State Co-operatives (MSCS).


What are Co-operatives?

  • According to the International Co-operative Alliance, cooperatives are people-centred enterprises owned, controlled, and run by and for their members to realise their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations.
  • In India, a cooperative society can be formed under provisions of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912. The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) and the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) work for promotion of cooperative movement in India.
  • Agriculture and cooperation are in the state list and hence majority of the cooperative societies are governed by laws in their respective states. In 2002, the Centre passed a Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act for registration of societies with operations in more than one state.

How significant are co-operatives to have a separate Ministry?



Vulnerabilities of the Co-operatives that the ministry needs to address

  • Financial Crunch: As the pandemic spread, the resultant lockdown led to decrease in demands and the supply chain was also blocked. There was also difficulty in raising credit facilities from banks and other financial institutions. This resulted in huge financial downturn for the co-operatives, which are highly dependent on outside funds and vulnerable to such crisis.
  • Lack of Efficient Staff: The Co-operatives in India suffer from inadequacy of trained personnel. So the staff was unprepared to handle such a crisis efficiently.
  • Unbalanced Growth: The cooperatives in northeast states, West Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa are not as well developed as the ones in Kerala or Maharashtra. Thus, a state like Kerala with efficient co-operatives could handle the pandemic well, and situation was drastically different in other states.
  • Functional Weakness: Co-operatives in India face multiple problems like unsatisfactory accounts keeping, lack of co-ordination among various divisions of the co-operative structure, too much dependence on outside sources of finance.


Some Apprehensions against the Ministry of Co-operation

  • Federalism concerns: Cooperatives is a State subject under entry 32 of the State list under the Schedule 7 of the Constitution. So, a central control of co-operatives have raised concerns of weakening of the federal structure of India.
  • Loss of Autonomy: Despite regulatory oversight by the RBI and States, there is considerable autonomy for the sector. The premise of a cooperative is that decisions are made by those affected by them. A central control might dampen the cooperative spirit.
  • Political gains: Cooperative institutions, be it the village-level PACS or the urban cooperative housing societies, elect their leaders democratically, with members voting for a board of directors. No matter which party is in power in a state like Maharashtra, the purse strings of the local economy always remain with the cooperative institution.



With some serious concerns being raised against the new Ministry, it becomes crucial for the Union government to address them and try to each at an amicable structure for the growth of the co-operatives, keeping the values of federalism and co-operation intact. There are also other issues of financial stability, balanced growth of co-operatives all over the country and Human resource management in co-operatives that need immediate attention.


Question: Explain the need for Ministry of Co-operation in India. What are the issues that need to be addressed during its formation?


Primary Sources:

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Keywords: Co-operatives, Covid, Paper 2, New Ministry, Governance
Terms & Concepts

This Day in History - Cigarette Smoking

On July 12, 1957, Surgeon General Leroy E. Burney was the first Surgeon General to declare officially that consistent evidence indicate that excessive cigarette smoking is one of the causative factors of lung cancer. As an epidemiologist, Burney understood the gravity of statistics showing a steep increase in cardiorespiratory ills tied to tobacco use. This was the first time the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) cited a definite cause and effect relationship between the two. The Tobacco Industry Research Committee denounced the epidemiological study as a manipulation of statistics.



Keywords: Cigarette Smoking, Disease, Paper 2
Terms & Concepts

Image of the Day- Presena Glacier

This is the image of climate experts covering northern Italy's Presena glacier with long strips of cloth which will reflect the sun's rays and prevent the snow beneath from melting. The task takes a month to complete. As per the climate experts, about 70% of the snow can be saved over the summer with the protective covering which works in the same way as a silver reflective guard placed in a car window to stop overheating. This process has been carried out every year since 2008.



Keywords: Presena Glacier, Albedo, environment, climate change, Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

Lymphatic Filariasis

  • Context: The Maharashtra government has un-paused its mass drug administration drive for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis.
  • Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) is a neglected tropical disease that impairs the lymphatic system and can lead to the abnormal enlargement of body parts, causing pain, severe disability, and social stigma.
  • Infection is usually acquired in childhood and occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes.
  • It is caused by infection with parasites classified as nematodes (roundworms) of the family Filariodidea.
  • The WHO recommends preventive chemotherapy strategy for lymphatic filariasis elimination by mass drug administration (MDA). 

Primary source:

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Keywords: Lymphatic Filariasis, Elephantiasis, Disease, Paper 2, Mosquito
Terms & Concepts

GI Certified Bhalia Wheat

  • Context: The first shipment of GI certified Bhalia variety of wheat has been exported to Kenya and Sri Lanka from Gujarat.
  • The GI certified wheat has high protein content and is sweet in taste.
  • The crop is grown mostly across Bhal region of Gujarat which includes Ahmadabad, Anand, Kheda, Bhavanagar, Surendranagar, Bharuch districts.
  • The unique characteristic of the wheat variety is that grown in the rainfed condition without irrigation.

Primary source:

Picture source:


Keywords: GI tag, Bhalia Wheat, Gujarat, economy
Terms & Concepts

SPARSH (System for Pension Administration Raksha)

  • Context: Ministry of Defence has implemented SPARSH.
  • It is an integrated system for automation of sanction and disbursement of defence pension.
  • This web-based system processes pension claims and credits pension directly into the bank accounts of defence pensioners without relying on any external intermediary. 
  • A Pensioner Portal is available for pensioners to view their pension related information, access services and register complaints for redressal of grievances, if any.
  • SPARSH envisages establishment of Service Centres to provide last mile connectivity to pensioners who may be unable to directly access the SPARSH portal for any reason.


Primary source:


Keywords: SPARSH, Pension, Defence, Paper 2
Terms & Concepts

STI-led BRICS Innovation Cooperation Action Plan (2021-24)

  • Context: BRICS member countries have agreed to a Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)-led BRICS Innovation Cooperation Action Plan (2021-24).
  • The plan was proposed by India during 12th meeting of the Grouping's Science & Technology Steering Committee, hosted by India.
  • The plan aimed at facilitating sharing of experiences of each other’s innovation ecosystem in 10 thematic areas and networking of innovators and entrepreneurs.
  • The thematic areas included: Transient Astronomical Events and Deep Survey Science, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Big Data Analytics, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Photonic, Nanophotonics, and Metamaterials for Addressing Biomedicine, Agriculture, Food Industry, Energy Harvesting Issues etc.

Primary source:

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Keywords: STI, Science and Technology, Innovation, BRICS, Paper 3
Editorial of the day

Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific

Essence: This editorial shares insights on the engagement potential for Delhi, in policy towards Indo Pacific & its centrality in the shape up ahead. As a new pushback against China takes shape, Indian foreign policy is becoming strategically clearer & there is a new momentum to initiatives such as Quad.

Recently, Italy has also begun to signal its intention to enter the Indo-Pacific geography. It has done so by seeking to join India and Japan in a trilateral partnership. A trilateral cooperation can be the right forum for India and Italy to learn more from each other’s practices and interests and consolidate a strategic dialogue that should include the economic, the security and the political dimensions.

Why you should read this article?

  • To learn about the potential of trilateral relationship between India, Japan & Italy.
  • To understand the reasons of India gaining centrality in Indo Pacific policy convergence.
  • To know about Italy’s stand on China’s assertiveness & unfair market practices.
  • To understand the underlying reasons of Indo-pacific gaining importance on foreign policy radar of many nations.


Article Link: Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific


Keywords: Trilateral, International relations, Paper 2, Italy India relations
Editorial of the day

UAPA’s inherently flawed architecture and the role of courts

Essence: The recent judgment of the Delhi High Court (HC), granting bail to three activists in the 2020 Delhi riots case, and the death of Stan Swamy, have turned the spotlight back on India’s anti-terrorism statute, the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). This article brings out the major issues with the UAPA and highlight the role of courts in its interpretation.

Why you should read this editorial?

  • Know about the inherent flaws in the UAPA such as stringent requirements for the grant of bail, broad and vaguely worded provisions, leaving wide scope for even innocent persons to be brought within its ambit.
  • Understand the application of the law in Gadchiroli case and the interpretation of courts with regards to the same.


Article Link: UAPA’s inherently flawed architecture and the role of courts


Keywords: UAPA, High Court, Paper 2
Editorial of the day

New Ministry of Cooperation must help those themselves

Essence: This article examines the history, potential, and challenges of cooperatives in India. It started in 1950s, when Verghese Kurien began India’s significant tryst with dairy cooperatives, but the model was not working the way he had envisaged it. A committee was set up in the Company Affairs Ministry to allow farmers to set up companies and later farmer producer companies (FPCs) were setup. But issues like lobby groups to get funds for the new companies, vehicles to cater to cooperatives, not FPCs, etc need to be addressed. And the idea of leveraging the community network began to be discussed by re-imagining economic infrastructure and social cooperatives built on the idea of communities creating infrastructure by using local material and family labour. The pandemic seems to have increased the significance of community effort. The new ministry is a recognition of the needs of our times. But it should not be just about pumping in money.

Why should you read this article?

  • To get an overview of cooperatives all over the world and India.
  • To know challenges and opportunities Indian cooperatives have and what possible steps should be taken to tackle the same.

Article Link: New Ministry of Cooperation must help those who help themselves


Keywords: Ministry of Cooperation, Farm Producers, Paper 3, economy, Governance
Case Study of the Day

Biodiversity and Food: Tuber Man


  • Shaji .N.M., fondly called as ‘Tuber Man’ of Kerala has been awarded the India Biodiversity Award 2021 in the category of ‘Conservation of domesticated species’

His contribution:

  • He conserved around 200 tuber crops including greater yam, lesser yam, elephant foot yam, etc. in his farm.
  • He makes efforts to travel even to interior forests to get tubers which are used only by the tribal community.
  • Many of his varieties are documented in the Peoples’ biodiversity register.
  • His efforts are very useful to conserve and ensure food security.

Lessons from his journey:

  • Expert without education: He had no formal education, yet he is an expert on tuber crops.
  • Altruism: His aim is to conserve tubers and yams so that people will have enough to eat in the event of droughts in the future.
  • Educating the future generation: He encourages school children to come and see his collection and explains to them the nutritional and medicinal properties of the tubers.

SDG that can be linked:

  • SDG 2: Zero hunger
  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • SDG 13: Climate Action
  • SDG15: Life on Land




Keywords: Tuber Man, Biodiversity, Kerala, Case study, Paper 3, agriculture, Biodiversity Award
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