Wednesday, 15th June 2022

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Google chatbot becomes sentient


Agnipath Scheme - Edukemy Current Affairs


NeSDA 2021 - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   This Day in History


Taraknath Das - Edukemy Current Affairs

3   Terms & Concepts


Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) - Edukemy Current Affairs


Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - Edukemy Current Affairs


Zonal Councils - Edukemy Current Affairs


Maya Technique of Maize fortification

4   Editorial of the day


Indian Express: Agnipath Reform for Armed Forces


Malnutrition in India is a worry in a modern scenario: The Hindu

5   Case Study of the Day


A Determined Candidate - Edukemy Current Affairs

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News Snapshot

Google chatbot becomes sentient

In News

A Google engineer said its AI model LaMDA had turned sentient or was self-aware while Google has said it had found the claim hollow and baseless.

Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA)

  • LaMDA, which stands for Language Models for Dialog Application, is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI model to enable software to better engage in a fluid and natural conversation the way humans do
    • For example, LaMDA is trained to engage in conversations as when in conversation with a friend, where a discussion could begin around a movie show before transitioning into a discussion about the region it was filmed in.
  • LaMDA is built using the Transformer architecture—a deep learning neural network (a technology to mimic the web of neurons in the brain to learn and behave like humans) invented by Google Research and open-sourced in 2017— as other language models such as BERT and GPT-3.
  • It is trained on a dialogue dataset of 1.56 trillion words that makes it understand context and respond more efficiently, just as how our vocabulary and comprehension improve by reading more books.

What is ‘being sentient’?

  • The engineer has claimed that the multiple chats which he had had with LaMDA convinced him that the AI model is self-aware and can think and emote—qualities that make us human and sentient or has the consciousness of a child of seven or eight years old.
    • He argues that consent from the software must be obtained before experiments are run on it.
  • The Turing test, originally called the imitation game by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.
  • Sentience is the capacity for subjective perceptions, feelings and experience and is more than passing the Turing test.
  • Currently, there is no criteria for recognizing sentience in beings without biological brains and nervous systems.

What are the implications of having a sentient AI?

  • Robots that can think and emote without human intervention may outsmart humans, a trend known as AI Singularity, or Artificial General Intelligence.
    • There is another fear whether such powerful systems will eventually enslave humans.
  • While some tech luminaries have expressed fears of AI-powered robots ruling mankind, others believe researchers will make them benevolent to mankind. 
    • It has been suggested that such technology must be developed imbibing Isaac Asimov’s three laws.
  • Human and legal rights of non-humans may have to be discussed if AI gains sentience. Legal persons enjoy rights, freedoms and protections under the law.

Fears surrounding LaMDA

  • Even if LaMDA isn’t sentient, the very fact that it can appear so to a human being should be cause for concern.
  • Due to the fact that it is trained on language, it can have possible misuses — for instance, by internalizing biases, mirroring hateful speech, or replicating misleading information.
  • And even when the language it’s trained on is carefully vetted, the model itself can still be put to ill use.
  • Google has said that it has built open-source resources that researchers can use to analyse models and the data on which they are trained and that it has scrutinized LaMDA at every step of its development.


Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Technology, Robot, UPSC, GS Paper 3
News Snapshot

Agnipath Scheme - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

The ‘Agnipath Scheme’ has been recently approved by the Cabinet Committee.

About the News

  • Under the Scheme, the Agniveers (candidates who will be recruited under the scheme) will be provided with a good pay package and an exit retirement package after a service of four years.
  • The decision has been taken in a bid to slash the increasing salary and pension bills.

‘Agnipath Scheme’:

  • It is a transformational recruitment scheme by the Government of India for the recruitment of Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen in the Armed Forces – Army, Navy, and Air Force respectively as Agniveers.
  • It aims at providing an opportunity to the patriotic and motivated youth to join the Armed Forces for a period of 4-years thereby infusing a transformational shift toward a more tech-savvy, youthful, and dynamic Armed Forces.
  • The implementation of the scheme is expected to bring down the average age profile (providing a youthful profile) of the Indian Armed Forces by about 4 to 5 years.
  • It is a step towards building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat.

Key Benefits of the Scheme:

  • The scheme will widely benefit the youth of the country. Those who age between between 5 years and 21 years will be inducted into the Armed forces for 4 years and more than 46,000 will be recruited in 2022.
  • Enrolment will be based on ‘All India All Class’ basis.
  • Agniveers will be paid a salary between Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month. They will also get an insurance cover of Rs. 48 lakh during the period.
  • On exiting the services, Agniveers will be given Rs. 11.71 lakhs as Seva Nidhi Package, which will be exempted from Income Tax. However, there will be no pensionary benefits.
  • The educational qualification of those applying for the Agnipath Scheme will be the same as the criteria for regular positions in the force.
  • On the completion of 4 years of service, about 25% of the Agniveers will be enrolled in the armed forces as the regular cadres for a minimum period of 15 years. Remaining Agniveers will get assistance from the armed forces for further employment avenues.


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Keywords: GS Paper 3: Security- ‘Agnipath Scheme’, Scheme for Recruitment of Armed Forces, Agniveers, Aatmanirbhar Bharat.
News Snapshot

NeSDA 2021 - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has recently released the second edition of the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment 2021, NeSDA 2021.

About the News:

  • J&K is reported to have topped among UTs in e-Governance services delivery.
  • The UT has saved around Rs 200 crore annually that was incurred in carriage of physical files during the Annual Durbar move between the two capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar.
    • The Darbar Move is a biannual practice in which the government functions for six months each in the two capitals of Srinagar and Jammu.
    • This tradition of switching capitals was started in 1872 by Maharaja Ranbir Singh and it came to an end in 2021.
  • In the category of State/UT portal, among group A states- Kerala became a front runner and the progress was made by Tamil Nadu followed by
  • Among group B states- Odisha is at the top followed by Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
  • Among North-Eastern states Nagaland, Meghalaya and Assam are at top ranks.
  • Among UTs, J&K topped followed by A&N, Puducherry, Delhi and Chandigarh.

National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment-NeSDA

  • This initiativehas been undertaken by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) for Digital Government excellence.
  • The overall objective of the study is to help States/UTs to understand the critical role of Information and Communication technology (ICT) in delivery of citizen centric services.
  • It was launched in 2018, based on the Online Service Index (OSI) of UNDESA eGovernment Survey. NeSDA 2021 is the second edition while the first edition was released in 2019.
  • NeSDA Framework: The framework covers six sectors that include Finance, Labour & Employment, Education, Local Government & Utilities, Social Welfare (including Agriculture & Health) and Environment (including Fire) sectors.

Learnings from Global Digital Government Trends

  • Integrated Service Delivery: The whole-of-government is an integrated approach that allows for collaboration across departments and between levels through institutional arrangements which create a robust system of holistic, synergistic and coordinated delivery of public services.
  • Data Centric e-Government: Governments need to adopt a strategic approach to the use of data and technology to strengthen government intelligence, support policy making, service design, and services delivery.
  • Policy Framework for adoption of New Age Technologies: In order to encourage adoption of new age technologies, the Government needs to provide a policy framework for adopting new technologies in delivery of government services.
  • Continuous Monitoring, Evaluation and Improvement: Seeking user feedback is essential, but it is equally important to share results and let citizens know they are being heard and their input is guiding meaningful changes.
  • Cyber resilience: Government websites need to adopt a harmonized set of security policies and technology against the misuse of information.
  • e-Literacy for Inclusiveness: While a variety of measures are undertaken, governments must ensure that content and trainings are available in local languages.
  • Prescriptive Analytics: Services that can anticipate user needs and prescribe the right course of action should become a standardized experience
  • Mobile-First Approach: Governments should prioritize a mobile-first design for service delivery to leverage the high levels of mobile device usage across the country.
  • Service Affordability: Services such as quality education, health care, energy, and water supply should be made affordable to citizens across all socio-economic levels.


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Governance: E-governance, National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment-NeSDA, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, NeSDA 2021, Digital India, Durbar move, Jammu & Kashmir.
This Day in History

Taraknath Das - Edukemy Current Affairs

On June 15, 1884, Taraknath Das was born. He was a prominent figure in the international movement for India's independence. To avoid being arrested by British authorities for his seditious acts, he had to escape India and moved to Japan. Das then went to the United States in 1906 and soon cleared the US Civil Service exam. In Vancouver, where he was posted, he founded The Free Hindusthan, North America's only newspaper campaigning for India's freedom and political, social, and religious reform.


Das returned to India after 46 years in exile in 1952 and established the Vivekananda Society in Calcutta. However, he again travelled back to the United States and passed away in 1958.

Another important event on this day: 


Keywords: Taraknath Das, Freedom fighter, History, GS Paper 1
Terms & Concepts

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The Centre has recently reported that over 50% of rural households have access to tap water supply.
  • Jal Jeevan Mission, launched in 2019, envisages supply of 55 litres of water per person per day to every rural household through Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) by 2024.
  • It is an initiative of Ministry of Jal Shakti.
  • The mission ensuresfunctionality of existing water supply systems and water connections, water quality monitoring & reuse, testing as well as sustainable agriculture.
  • It focuses onintegrated demand and supply-side management of water at the local level.
  • The Mission is based on a community approachto water and includes extensive Information, Education and Communication as its key component.
  • The scheme has fund sharing pattern of 90:10 for Himalayan and North-Eastern States, 50:50 for other states, and 100% for Union Territories, between the Centre and states


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Governance- Jal Jeevan Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti, community approach, Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC).
Terms & Concepts

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Pop sensation Justin Beiber, has recently revealed that one side of his face has been temporarily paralysed by Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
  • Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is a neurological disease in which a virus-Varicella Zoster causes inflammation of the nerves (7thcranial nerve) involved in facial movements. 
    • The Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) is the same virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.
    • It belongs to the herpesvirus group and can stay dormant in the human body and can reawaken to attack the nerves.
  • When the nerves get inflamed, they lose their ability to function, leading to temporary facial palsy or paralysis.
  • The symptoms of the disease include painful, red rash and blisters in and around the ear, and facial paralysis on the same side. 
  • Patients also report hearing loss in the ear that has been impacted apart from Tinnitus or ringing sounds.
  • It is treated using anti-viral drugs, steroids and physiotherapy. Facial exercises are also very important.
  • Alongside, patients need to protect their eyes from corneal aberration by using eye protection.
  • The disease is not contagious but can lead to chickenpox in those not vaccinated for the disease.
  • The disease is reversible i.e. it can be cured within 15 days to three months of starting the treatment.


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Keywords: GS Paper 3: Science and Technology- Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, neurological disease, Varicella Zoster, chickenpox, herpesvirus.
Terms & Concepts

Zonal Councils - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The Minister of Home Affairs had recently chaired the 25thmeeting of the Western Zonal Council at Diu. 
  • Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies established by an Act of the Parliament- States Reorganisation Act of 1956.
  • The act divided the country into five zones- Northern, Central, Eastern, Western and Southernand provided a zonal council for each zone.
  • In addition to these 5 councils, a North-Eastern Council was created under the North-Eastern Council Act of 1971.
  • Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura and Sikkim are the members of the North-Eastern Council.
  • The objective of the councils is to bring out national integration, arrest the growth of acute State consciousness, regionalism, linguist and particularistic tendencies.
  • It enables the Centre and the States to co-operate and exchange ideasand experiences by establishing a climate of co-operation amongst for successful execution of development projects.
  • The Union Home Minister is the Chairman of each of these Councils with the Chief Ministers of the States as the Vice-Chairman for that zone by rotation, each holding office for a period of one year at a time.
  • The members include the Chief Minister and two other Ministers as nominated by the Governor from each of the States and two members from Union Territories included in the zone.
  • The idea of creation of Zonal Councils was mooted by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1956.


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Polity and Governance: Zonal Councils, States Reorganisation Act of 1956, North-Eastern Council Act of 1971, North-Eastern Council Act of 1971.
Terms & Concepts

Maya Technique of Maize fortification

Context: A recent study has shown how the Maya people used the technique of 'nixtamalisation’ for fortification of Maize  and also how they built indoor toilets in pits they dug into the limestone bedrock of the Yucatan peninsula in Mesoamerica.

  • Nixtamalisation is a method by which the ancient people of Mesoamerica like the Maya used to soak and cook their maize in an alkaline solutionand make it more palatable, nutritious and non-toxic.
  • The Maya areindigenous people of Mexico and Central America who have continuously inhabited the lands of modern-day Yucatan, Quintana Roo etc.
  • The Maya civilizationoriginated in the Yucatan Peninsula and are known for its monumental architecture and an advanced understanding of mathematics and astronomy.
  • The rise of the Maya began about 250 CE andlasted until about 900 CE. 
  • At its height, Mayan civilization consisted of more than 40 cities, each with a population between 5,000 and 50,000.
  • They settled in villages and had developed an agriculture based on the cultivation ofcorn (maize), beans, and squash; by 600 CE cassava (sweet manioc) was also grown.
  • The Maya also developed an elaborate and beautiful tradition of sculpture and relief carving.
  • Architectural works and stone inscriptionsand reliefs are the chief sources of knowledge about the early Maya.


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Keywords: GS Paper 1: Geography, agriculture, economy, GS Paper 3
Editorial of the day

Indian Express: Agnipath Reform for Armed Forces

Essence: This writeup while discussing the merits of recently launched Agnipath scheme for recruitment of soldiers and also presents arguments against the criticism of scheme. According to the article, the Agnipath scheme fully addresses the requirement that National unity, camaraderie and bonding, including in the armed forces, should not be predicated on caste, community, religion, language or provincial affiliation but on the more equitable notion of being a patriotic Indian.

Why you should read this article?

  • Know about the features of the Agnipath Scheme
  • Understand how this scheme can transform the composition of Army, modernise armed forces in line with International standards and create a pool of confident and disciplined human resources across country.


Keywords: GS Paper 3, Agnipath Scheme, Mordenisation of Indian Armed Forces
Editorial of the day

Malnutrition in India is a worry in a modern scenario: The Hindu

Essence: The article talks about the situation of malnutrition in India. The state of child’s and mother’s nutrition is not good. Poor nutrition among pregnant women affects the nutritional status of the child and has a greater chance to affect future generations. Undernourished children are at risk of under-performing in studies and have limited job prospects. This vicious cycle restrains the development of the country, whose workforce, affected mentally and physically, has reduced work capacity.

While there has been some progress in tackling malnutrition among children and women over the past decade, the improvement has been modest at best. Stunting, wasting, anaemia are the major issues.

Thus, the author suggests measures like increasing investment in women and children’s health and nutrition, outcome-oriented approach on nutrition programmes and a process to monitor and evaluate programmes and address systemic and on the ground challenges.

Why should you read this article?

  • To know the nutrition status is women and children in India
  • To understand the problems with the nutrition programmes.
  • To understand the steps to need to improve nutrition.


Keywords: Malnutrition, Health, wasting, GS Paper 2
Case Study of the Day

A Determined Candidate - Edukemy Current Affairs


A man's grit to get admission to his favourite university made him stand out, despite the operational delays.

About the Journey

  • Samrat Mukhopadhyay, a professor at the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER) in Mohali, Punjab, could reach his interview despite postal delay.
  • In the year 1997, Samrat was awaiting his Interview letter for admission in IISc, Bangalore. But, due to a postal delay, he received the letter on the day of the interview.
  • In the year 1997, one had to be concerned not just with performing well in an interview but also with arriving on time.
  • To his relief, the interview was rescheduled to two days further. But, his journey was a tough one with trains delays and heavy rainfall.
  • Despite all the hurdles, he reached the interview and performed his best to make it to the IISc.

Quote: It takes determination to see a dream come to pass. The question is not will you start, but will you finish. Joel Osteen


Keywords: UPSC, GS paper 4, Determination, Case study
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