Geography Optional - By Subject / Climatology

Mains PYQ - Climatology

Section A
Ques 1

What is pollution dome? Discuss its formation and impacts.

Ques 2

What are the important factors responsible for Airmass modifications?

Ques 3

Write a geographical note on Halloween Storm.

Ques 4

Explain the techniques to calculate potential evapotranspiration suggested by Thornthwaite.

Ques 5

Explain the role of evaporation in the hydrologic cycle.

Ques 6

Differentiate between insolation and temperature and explain anomalous temperature.

Ques 7

Discuss as to how frontogenesis contributes to weather instability.

Ques 8

Discuss the salient features of ‘sirocco’ and ‘mistral’.

Ques 9

Differentiate Storm Surges and Seiches.

Section B
Ques 1

With suitable examples describe the impacts of movement of air masses on weather and winds in different parts of the continents.

Ques 2

Describe how short term variations in temperature are related to the processes of receiving energy from the sun to the Earth’s surface and dissipating it to the atmosphere.

Ques 3

Indicating the causes of lightning, describe the threats associated with it.

Ques 4

Explain the characteristic features of Frontogenesis and Frontolysis.

Ques 5

Explain the nature of urban climates and their impact on global environmental change.

Ques 6

Critically examine the basis and scheme of climatic classification proposed by G.T. Trewartha.

Ques 7

Compare the origin and weather conditions associated with the tropical and temperate cyclones.

Ques 8

What is Potential Evapotranspiration? Explain how it is used in assessing the water balance in an area.

Ques 9

Explain the meridional circulation of the atmosphere and its importance in world climate.

Ques 10

Describe the origin and development of thunderstorms with examples.

Ques 11

Discuss Dew point and the various forms of condensation.

Ques 12

Bring out the relationship between climate and vegetation in the Mountain Biome.

Section C
Ques 1

Rise of surface temperature brings severe consequences. Elaborate the potential changes and threats associated with it in the world.

Ques 2

Examine major influencing factors for varied patterns of precipitations on the continents.

Ques 3

Explain how various factors influence the origin and development of the Indian monsoon system.

Ques 4

Discuss in detail the tri-cellular model of atmospheric circulation.

Ques 5

Explain the origin, progress and retreat of the Indian monsoon and discuss its impact on the Indian economy.

Ques 6

Discuss the forces which govern the air movement on the Earth's surface.

Ques 7

 "Climate change is a reality." Explain with suitable examples.

Ques 8

Discuss the significance of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and its core projects in the understanding of climatic change.

Ques 9

Discuss the basis of Koppen’s climatic classification. Bring out the salient characteristics of ‘Cs’ type of climate.

Ques 10

Discuss the nature and origin of Indian monsoon and recent techniques of its prediction.

Ques 11

With suitable examples, bring out the impact of local winds on the climate of an area.

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