Geography / 2019
Section A
Ques 1

Assess the impact of global warming on coral life system with examples. (150 words, 10 marks)

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Ques 2

Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in maintaining coastal ecology. (150 words, 10 marks)

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Ques 3

Can the strategy of regional-resource based manufacturing help in promoting employment in India? (150 words, 10 marks)

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Ques 4

Discuss the factors for localization of agro-based food processing industries of North West India. (150 words, 10 marks)

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Section B
Ques 1

What is water stress? How and why does it differ regionally in India? (15 Marks, 250 words) 

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Ques 2

How can the mountain ecosystem be restored from the negative impact of development initiatives and tourism? (15 Marks, 250 words)

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Ques 3

How is efficient and affordable urban mass transport key to the rapid economic development of India?

Ques 4

How do ocean currents and water masses differ in their impacts on marine life and coastal environment? Give suitable examples?  (15 Marks, 250 words)

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