2018 / Geography Optional Paper 2

Mains PYQ - Geography Optional Paper 2

Section A
Ques 1

On the outline map or India provided to you. mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations, whether physical 'commercial /economic/ecological/environment/cultural, in not more than 30 words for each entry
(i) Shyok River
(ii) Shravasti
(iii) Kori Creek
(iv) Amarkantak
(v) Ghatshila
(vi) Tawang
(vii) Neyyar
(viii) Dandeli
(ix) Mawlynnong
(x) Mulshi Lake

Ques 2

Explain unusual intensity of dust storms and thunder storms across India in the pre-monsoon period of year 2018.

Ques 3

why setting up of water management Boards is a controversial issue in India? 

Ques 4

Keeping the recent developments in view, how can the energy crisis of India be circumvented by harnessing non-conventional energy resources?

Ques 5

Distinguish the geographical aspects of North-Western lava plateau and Chotanagpur plateau of peninsular India.

Ques 6

Explain the contemporary agricultural scenario in the context rapid urbanization in India.

Ques 7

Assess the suitability Of Special Economic Zones (SEB) for the sustainable economic development in India.

Ques 8

Examine the ongoing process of agricultural diversification and its implications for food security in India.

Ques 9

Account for the persisting negative trade balance of India.

Ques 10

Critically assess the vanishing ethnic linguistic plurality of India.

Ques 11

Examine the driving forces of changing urban morphology of million-plus cities Of India with suitable examples.

Ques 12

Discuss the emerging geo-political Scenario of Indian Ocean realm.

Ques 13

Give a critical account of region specific constraints of sustainable tourism in Indla.

Section B
Ques 1

Discuss the socio-economic problems associated with the left behind families of international migrants from India.

Ques 2

Explain the changing river courses and their impacts on the riparian population in India with suitable examples.

Ques 3

 Make a critical appraisal of the factors affecting river Water quality in India.

Ques 4

Examine the role of people's participation in successful decentralised planning in lndia.

Ques 5

Describe the socio-spatial consequences of the recent Nipah viral encephalitis in India.

Ques 6

Illustrate with suitable examples of the endeavours undertaken in augmenting conservation of water and vegetation in India.

Ques 7

Discuss the strategies of integrated development of island territories in India.

Ques 8

Cross border terrorism has implications on border area development in India. Examine it with suitable examples.

Ques 9

Explain the pipeline network across India and its impact on regional development. 

Ques 10

 Discuss the Changing composition of international trade through rnajor seaports of India.

Ques 11

Pen-urbanization has created enormous environmental problems. Discuss their causes and consequences with reference to the National Capital Region (N.C.R.) Of India.

Ques 12

Describe the Changing regional morphology or rural settlements in India.

Ques 13

Startups may play important role in giving fillip to economic growth in India Illustrate with examples.

Ques 14

Is the land boundary Of India with its neighbouring countries a cultural divide or divided culture? Explain With suitable examples.

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