Geography Optional - By Subject / Geomorphology

Mains PYQ - Geomorphology

Section A
Ques 1

Describe the concept of Altiplanation.

Ques 2

Define ‘speleothem’. Discuss the various forms and features of speleothems.

Ques 3

Why is mapping important for analysing geo-hydrological investigations? Explain with relevant examples.

Ques 4

Describe phreatic eruptions and their consequences.

Ques 5

How are sandspits and tombolos formed?

Ques 6

"Landscape is a function of structure. process and stage." Critique the statement.

Ques 7

Write a note on pseudovolcanic features.

Ques 8

Describe the “Basket of eggs topography”.

Ques 9

Attempt a classification of Geomorphic processes from the zonal point of view.

Ques 10

Define the term ‘meander’ and describe the basic characteristics of entrenched meander and ingrown meander.

Ques 11

State the concept of erosion surfaces and highlight the factors responsible for their development.

Ques 12

Differences between Normal cycle and Arid cycle of Davis.

Ques 13

Impact of Pleistocene Ice Age on the crust of the Earth.

Section B
Ques 1

Explain how various aspects of channel morphology are used in transportation, settlement and land use planning flood control and flood management?

Ques 2

Discuss the role of Slope, Altitude and Relief (SAR) in landscape development.

Ques 3

With the help of suitable sketches describe the mountain genesis and mountain types. Give suitable examples from various mountain systems of the world.

Ques 4

Compare and contrast different types of plate boundaries.

Ques 5

 "Geomorphological changes are largely responsible for environmental hazard in the Himalayan region." comment with relevant examples.

Ques 6

"The knowledge of slope analysis has limited field application in the slope management." Explain.

Ques 7

"Climate, slope gradient and rock structure influence the avulsion of channels." Explain.

Ques 8

“Geological structure has a dominant control on landforms and is reflected on them.” Discuss.

Ques 9

Explain with examples asto how channel dynamics has been responsible for the development of alluvial fans and cones.

Ques 10

“Present-day landforms bear more complexity than simplicity.” Elucidate.

Section C
Ques 1

The concept of Plate Techtonics has been derived from the Isostasy and Continental Drift Theory. Elaborate citing suitable examples.

Ques 2

Stream basins and drainage divides are important components to delineate a watershed area. Explain.

Ques 3

Write an essay on the evolution of continents and oceans using various theories and models.

Ques 4

Discuss the problems of erosional surfaces and explain the different methods to identify them with suitable diagrams.

Ques 5

Discuss the methods of measuring the intensity and magnitude of earthquakes. How are seismic zones demarcated?

Ques 6

 Evaluate how far Kober's geosynclinical theory explains the mountain building process.

Ques 7

Discuss the concept of Periglacial cycle as propounded by Peltier.

Ques 8

“In explaining the concept of ‘Pediplanation’, King combined the ideas of Davis, Penck and Wood with his own.” Elaborate.

Ques 9

Discuss the contributions of the American School of Subaerial Denudation in geomorphology.

Ques 10

State the concept of plate tectonics. How does it help in explaining the formation of the Himalayas and Appalachian Mountains?

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