2015 / Geography Optional Paper 1

Mains PYQ - Geography Optional Paper 1

Section A
Ques 1

Attempt a classification of Geomorphic processes from the zonal point of view.

Ques 2

Discuss as to how frontogenesis contributes to weather instability.

Ques 3

Describe the characteristics of different types of pelagic deposits.

Ques 4

Explain the characteristics of ecological succession.

Ques 5

Comment on the impact of environmental education on quality of life.

Ques 6

Discuss the contributions of the American School of Subaerial Denudation in geomorphology.

Ques 7

What is Potential Evapotranspiration? Explain how it is used in assessing the water balance in an area.

Ques 8

Discuss the methods of conserving biodiversity for sustainable development.

Ques 9

Discuss the basis of Koppen’s climatic classification. Bring out the salient characteristics of ‘Cs’ type of climate.

Ques 10

Explain with examples asto how channel dynamics has been responsible for the development of alluvial fans and cones.

Ques 11

Classify soils based on their zonal distribution and describe the characteristics of pedocals.

Ques 12

Explain the different stages of ecological adaptation of man and bring out the changing balance between man and environment.

Ques 13

“Present-day landforms bear more complexity than simplicity.” Elucidate.

Ques 14

Explain the meridional circulation of the atmosphere and its importance in world climate.

Section B
Ques 1

“The welfare face of geography makes it an inter-disciplinary subject.” Elaborate.

Ques 2

“Energy mix is a step towards sustainability.” Discuss.

Ques 3

Discuss Nelson’s method of functional classification of towns.

Ques 4

“Marx’s view on population is more humanistic.” Comment.

Ques 5

“Development planning has a component of environmental cost.” Discuss.

Ques 6

“Regional synthesis is the crux of geographical studies.” Elaborate.

Ques 7

“Man-induced famines are becoming more common than nature-induced ones”. Comment.

Ques 8

Critically examine the theories on population migration.

Ques 9

Discuss the relevance of Von thunen’s model on agricultural location in the contemporary context.

Ques 10

“Cultural regions are the most suited units to study the diversity of an area.” Comment.

Ques 11

Discuss the approaches to the study of behavioural geography.

Ques 12

“There is a rejuvenation of environementatalism as a paradigm in geographical studies.” Comment.

Ques 13

“Geographical traits lead to regional imbalances.” Examine.

Ques 14

“Vital statistics are necessary ingredients for development planning”. Elaborate.

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