Ethics-integrity-and-aptitude / Attitude / Characteristics of Attitude

Characteristics of Attitude

  1. Evaluative: Attitudes involve an individual’s positive or negative evaluation of an object, person, group, idea, or event.
  2. Learned: Attitudes are learned through a variety of processes, including direct experience, socialization, and exposure to persuasive messages.
  3. Enduring: Attitudes tend to be enduring, meaning they can persist over time and be resistant to change.
  4. Influence behavior: Attitudes can influence an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and can shape their social interactions and relationships.
  5. Vary in intensity: Attitudes can vary in intensity, meaning some attitudes may be stronger than others and have a greater influence on behavior.
  6. Multi-dimensional: Attitudes are multi-dimensional, composed of cognitive, affective, and behavioral components.
  7. Context-dependent: Attitudes can be context-dependent, meaning they may change depending on the situation or social context.
  8. Can change over time: While attitudes tend to be enduring, they can change over time through processes such as persuasion, cognitive dissonance, and social influence.

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