Attitude / Attitude / Attitude and Behaviour

Attitude and Behaviour

Attitude and behavior are two related but distinct concepts.

Attitude refers to an individual’s overall evaluation or opinion about a particular object, person, or situation. It is a psychological construct that reflects how an individual feels or thinks about something. Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral.
● Behavior, on the other hand, refers to the actions that an individual takes towards a particular object, person, or situation. It is the observable or measurable response of an individual to their environment. Behavior can be influenced by attitudes, but it is not always consistent with attitudes.
● In other words, attitudes are internal, subjective evaluations of an object, whereas behaviors are external, observable actions towards that object. An individual’s attitudes may not always predict their behavior because there are often external factors that can influence behavior, such as social norms or situational factors. 

Attitude Behaviour
1. Refers to an individual's overall evaluation or opinion about a particular object, person, or situation  1. Refers to the observable or measurable response of an individual to their environmental 
2. Is an internal, subjective evaluation of an object 2. Is an external, observable action towards an object
3. Can be positive, negative, or neutral 3. Can be intentional or unintentiona
4. May not always predict behavior due to external factors such as social norms or situational factors 4. Is influenced by attitudes, but not always consistent with attitudes
5. Examples include liking or disliking a particular food or person 5. Examples include eating a particular food or interacting with a particular person