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Ethics and Morals

Ethics is the theory of right and wrong conduct. Morals, its practice. While ethics involves the values that a person seeks to express in a certain situation, morals refers to the way one sets about achieving this.

Ethics is concerned with the principles of human behaviour, morals with the application of these principles, in a particular situation.

‘Moral’, ‘Immoral’ and ‘Amoral’ Actions:

An action is said to be moral when it is done deliberately to attain the ultimate happiness. A morally good action has to be a moral action and a human action. An action is moral only if it is done freely and in view of an end. Immoral means ‘not observing a particular known moral rule’. Immoral actions are all those actions that are morally bad actions (eg. Incest, homicide, etc.).

‘Amoral’ or ‘non-moral’ means ‘not relevant to, or concerned with, morals’. We can note some of the non-moral actions: 9 actions of inanimate objects or events (flood, famine, etc.). They are indifferent actions and are beyond the moral sphere.

9 reflex actions:

They are automatic and immediate (eg. breathing) 9 accidental acts 9 actions of children below the age of reason/ insane persons 9 actions done under the spell of hypnosis Habitual actions are moral actions as the habits are formed deliberately or acquired voluntarily.

In ethics, we are concerned with ‘immoral’ actions but not ‘amoral’ actions. Human Act: A human act is an act done by a human person deliberately, willingly, and freely in view of achieving an end. Morality is spoken of human beings and not of animals. An act to be a moral act it has to be performed by an individual with reason. Every human act is done in view of an end and is done willingly with full knowledge and full freedom. Ethics deals with human actions, which help or prevent a person from attaining an end.


End of human action can be different. For a believer in God the ultimate end could be the eternal happiness of man (God and the beatific vision). God is the highest end of man and God is involved in every action of man. Happiness consists in the knowledge and love of God. For a non-believer, the well-being of humanity could be the end. It could also be an act done for its own sake.