Values-of-civil-servants / Values of Civil Servants / Objectivity


It is an important foundational value for civil servants because it ensures that they remain impartial and unbiased in their work. Civil servants are responsible for serving the public interest and delivering services to all individuals and groups fairly and equally. If civil servants are not objective in their work, they may make decisions based on personal biases, preferences, or prejudices, which can result in unfair treatment or discrimination against certain individuals or groups.

Objectivity also ensures that civil servants make decisions based on evidence, facts, and data rather than personal opinions or assumptions. This helps to ensure that government policies and programs are based on sound reasoning and are effective in achieving their intended objectives.

Moreover, objectivity is essential for maintaining the credibility and legitimacy of the government in the eyes of the public. If civil servants are perceived as being biased or partial, it can undermine public trust in the government and lead to a loss of confidence in government institutions.