Diversity / Diversity / Models of Accommodation

Models of Accommodation

  1. Assimilation: This model aims to promote social cohesion by encouraging individuals to adopt the dominant culture and assimilate into the mainstream. This approach is often criticized for disregarding the value of cultural differences and for reinforcing the power dynamics of dominant cultures.
  2. Melting Pot: This model encourages individuals to retain their cultural identity while also assimilating into the dominant culture. The melting pot approach recognizes the value of cultural diversity while promoting social cohesion.
  3. The salad bowl model is a metaphor used to describe cultural diversity in a society. This model suggests that cultural diversity is like a salad bowl, where each cultural group is like a unique ingredient, and together they create a diverse and flavorful mix.
    • Unlike the melting pot model, which suggests that different cultures should blend together to create a homogenous culture, the salad bowl model emphasizes the importance of preserving cultural differences while also promoting social cohesion.
    • In the salad bowl model, each cultural group retains its unique identity, customs, and traditions, while also participating in the larger society. This approach recognizes that cultural diversity is a source of strength and can contribute to social, economic, and cultural development.
    • The salad bowl model encourages the celebration and recognition of different cultures, and promotes respect and understanding between different cultural groups. This approach recognizes that cultural differences are an essential aspect of society and can enrich the lives of all individuals.
  4. The mosaic model of society is a metaphor used to describe a society that is diverse and multicultural, where different cultures and ethnic groups coexist while retaining their unique identities.
    • The mosaic model is similar to the salad bowl model, in that it recognizes the importance of preserving cultural differences and diversity. However, the mosaic model emphasizes that the unique cultural identities of different groups can come together to create a beautiful and harmonious whole, much like a mosaic made up of different colored tiles.
    • In a mosaic society, individuals from different cultural backgrounds are able to participate in the larger society while retaining their cultural identities. This approach values and celebrates cultural differences, and recognizes that diversity is a source of strength and richness.
    • The mosaic model encourages the recognition and celebration of cultural differences, while also promoting social cohesion and respect for different cultural groups. This approach recognizes that a society can thrive when it is inclusive, and individuals feel valued and included regardless of their cultural background.