Economy / Banking System In India / Foreign Banks: Subsidiary Vs Branch.

Foreign Banks: Subsidiary Vs Branch.

  • Branch Office:
    • Considered an extension of the parent company.
    • Not an independent legal entity.
    • Assets and liabilities are merged with the parent office.
  • Subsidiary:
    • Has a separate legal status.
    • Involves Indian investment.
    • Requires a separate management in India.
    • Losses incurred by the parent cannot be offset by subsidiary's assets.
    • Protects Indian capital and operations from external economic shocks.
    • Can raise capital from the Indian share market as a separate entity.

Encouragement by RBI:

  • RBI is encouraging foreign banks to become subsidiaries.
  • Presently, most foreign banks operate as branches or representative offices of the parent.

Key Considerations:

  • The choice between a branch and a subsidiary has implications for legal status, management structure, financial independence, and the ability to raise capital from the Indian market.
  • The trend is moving towards encouraging foreign banks to adopt a subsidiary model to enhance local compliance and financial independence.

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