Economy / Taxation / Inverted Duty Structure

Inverted Duty Structure

  • Definition:
    • The inverted duty structure refers to a situation where the import duty on finished goods is lower than the duty on raw materials or intermediate goods. This structure can create a disadvantage for domestic manufacturers by making them less competitive in both the domestic and global markets.
  • Normal Duty Structure:
    • Ideally, lower taxes on the import of raw materials encourage their importation for processing and value addition, contributing to the "Make in India" initiative. Higher import duties on finished products discourage their import, protect domestic manufacturers, save foreign currency, and stimulate employment within the country.
  • Issues with Inverted Duty Structure:
    • Disadvantage to Domestic Manufacturers: The inverted duty structure puts domestic manufacturers at a disadvantage, making them uncompetitive in the domestic market and limiting their competitiveness in global markets.
    • Surge in Import of Finished Goods: Inverted duty structures, like the example of rubber goods, can lead to a surge in the import of finished goods. This is often unnecessary, as domestic manufacturing units can meet the demand.
    • Impact of FTAs: Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) may contribute to an inverted duty structure due to the complexities of negotiations and trade-offs involved in thousands of tariff lines.
  • Examples:
    • Rubber Industry: India, for example, imposes higher duties on the import of raw materials for the rubber industry while keeping lower duties on the import of finished rubber goods. This has led to avoidable imports of finished goods, impacting the domestic industry.
  • Government Measures:
    • Customs Duty Reduction: To address issues related to inverted duty structures, the government may consider reducing customs duties on raw materials for key sectors like pharmaceuticals, electronics, and automobiles.
  • FTAs and Anomalies:
    • Negotiations and Anomalies: Inverted duty structures can emerge from the give-and-take involved in the negotiation of Free Trade Agreements. The government may address such anomalies through subsequent orders when brought to its notice.

Addressing inverted duty structures is crucial for fostering a competitive environment for domestic industries, promoting local manufacturing, and ensuring a balanced trade policy.

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