Foreign-trade / Foreign Trade / Non-Tariff Barriers..

Non-Tariff Barriers..


  • While the WTO mandates the reduction of customs tariffs to promote globalization, various forms of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) persist.
  • NTBs serve as alternative mechanisms for protecting domestic economies against foreign competition.

Examples of NTBs:

  1. Social Clause:
    • A proposed measure to exclude imports from developing countries based on factors such as weak labor laws, child labor, human rights, and environmental standards.
    • Considered a form of back-door protectionism.
  2. Restrictions on H-1B Visas (USA):
    • Imposing limits on the number of H-1B visas in the USA and increasing associated fees.
    • A measure affecting the movement of skilled workers.
  3. Quantitative Restrictions (QRs):
    • A form of NTB curbing imports or exports.
    • Includes quotas, licensing requirements, and canalization (controlled bulk imports/exports through designated agencies).

NTBs Allowed by WTO:

  1. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS):
    • Measures addressing the protection of animal, plant, and human life from diseases, pests, toxins, etc.
  2. Technical Barriers:
    • Measures specifying product characteristics, production processes, packaging, labeling, marketing, etc.