Turkish-conquest-of-india / Turkish Conquest of India / Muhammad Ghori

Muhammad Ghori

Muhammad Ghori - The Next Muslim Ruler in Indian History

  • Muhammad Ghori became influential in Indian history after the death of Mahmud of Ghazni.
  • There were no Turkish invasions in India for nearly 150 years after the death of Mahmud.
  • Ghoris started as vassals of Ghazni but became independent after Mahmud's death.
  • Muhammad Ghori brought Ghazni under their control and turned his attention to India.
  • Muhammad Ghori wanted to conquer India and extend his empire in this direction.

Political Condition of India on the Eve of Ghori Invasion

  • There were no remarkable changes in the condition of India after Ghazni's invasions.
  • India was politically divided into many kingdoms both in North and South.
  • The North India witnessed the rule of many Rajput princes.
  • The Rajput states indulged in constant internecine warfare which ultimately weakened them.


  • Muhammad Ghori's first invasions were on Multan and fortress of Uch, and he conquered them easily in 1175.
  • In 1178, he attacked Anhilwara in Gujarat but was defeated by King Mularaja II.
  • The first Battle of Tarain or Thaneshwar took place in 1191, where Muhammad Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.
  • The second Battle of Tarain took place in 1192, where Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan and killed him.
  • The battle opened the way for further conquests of India by the Muslims.
  • Muhammad appointed Qutubuddin Aibak as the Viceroy of the Indian provinces after the Battle of Tarain.
  • Qutubuddin Aibak consolidated the Indian conquests of his master and made Delhi the capital in 1193.
  • The Battle of Chandawar took place in 1194, where Muhammad Ghori defeated and killed King Jayachandra of Kanuaj.
  • Muhammad-bin-Baktiyar Khilji led a daring military expedition against Bihar and Bengal between 1202-1205.


  • Muhammad Ghori's greatest achievement was the establishment of the Turkish empire in India, which added a fresh chapter to Indian history.
  • He was assassinated by the Khokars on the bank of rivers Indus in 1206, while engaging his evening prayers.
  • Qutubuddin Aibak became the master of his Indian provinces and laid the foundation for Delhi Sultanate in 1206.