Maratha / Maratha / Successors of Shivaji + policies +decline

Successors of Shivaji + policies +decline

Shambhaji (1680-1689):

He was the son and successor of Shivaji who continued the anti- Mughal policy of his father. Shambhaji provided asylum to Prince Akbar, the revolting son of Aurangzeb in 1681. Aurangzeb came to Deccan and spent 26 long years at Aurangabad fighting with Marathas. In 1689, Shambaji was killed by the Mughal general, Mukharab khan in the Battle of Sangameshwar. Sahu, the minor son of Shambhaji was taken captive to Delhi and imprisoned for 18 years.

Rajaram (1689-1700):

He was another son of Shivaji and the successor of his brother Shambaji. He fought against Aurangzeb through guerrilla warfare. He strategically shifted his capital from Raigad to Gingee and later from Gingee to Satara.

Tarabai (1700-1707):

She was the wife of Rajaram. She made her minor son, Shivaji-II as the king and ruled herself as the regent. Under her leadership, Marathas continued their plundering raids on Mughal territories through guerrilla warfare methods.

Sahu (1707-1749):

He lived in Delhi as a prisoner of Mughals from 1689 to 1707. The Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah-1 set him free and recognized him as the Chatrapati. As he was an incompetent ruler, his Peshwas retained all powers and became the de-facto rulers. In 1749, Sahu died leaving no successors and the lineage of Shivaji came to an end. Thereafter the Maratha kingdom went into the hands of the Peshwas.