1929-to-second-world-war / 1929 to Second World War / Battle of Stalin Grad 1942

Battle of Stalin Grad 1942

  • Dates: The battle began on August 23, 1942, and concluded on February 2, 1943. It was a prolonged and brutal engagement.
  • Location: The battle took place in the city of Stalingrad, which is now known as Volgograd. This city was situated in Southern Russia on the banks of the Volga River.
  • Outcome: The Soviet Union emerged victorious, marking a significant turning point in World War II. It was also the first major military setback that Adolf Hitler publicly acknowledged. The last German troops were expelled from the Soviet Union in August 1944.
  • Causes of German Failure:
    • Expansion of Objectives: Germany's expansionist goals played a significant role in their ultimate failure at Stalingrad.

Overconfidence: The German forces were overconfident and underestimated the reserves and determination of the Soviet Army.