Maratha / Maratha / Shivaji’s administration

Shivaji’s administration

Shivaji was one of the greatest administrators of medieval India and established an efficient administrative system. The council of ministers of Shivaji was known as Asta Pradhans which consisted of 8 ministers. They were:

  1. Mukhya Pradhan /Peshwa - Prime Minister
  1. Amatya/ Mazumdar- Finance Minister
  1. Mantri Waqia-Navis - Minister for home affairs
  1. Sumant/Dabir - Foreign Minister
  1. Sacheev/ Shurunavis- Minister for royal correspondence
  1. Senapati / Sar-i-Naubat - Commander-in-chief
  1. Nyayadhish - Chief Justice
  1. Panditrao - High priest

During Rajaram's tenure, a ninth minister named Pratinidhi was appointed as the head of Asta Pradhans. Other important officers were:

  1. Fadnavis- Auditor
  1. Jamedar- Treasurer
  1. Chitnis- Officer of official correspondence
  1. Daftedar- Superintendent

Shivaji divided his kingdom into provinces known as 'prantas' and Mukhyadeshadhikaris or karkuns as the governors. Each province was again divided into tarafs (districts) administered by tarafdari. The head of the village was called Patil and was assisted by Kulkarni who maintained the accounts. Kotwal was the in-charge of a town.

Maratha army comprised two forces. One was Bargi/ Paga (permanent standing army) and the second was Silhadar (temporary soldiers). Shivaji maintained a small naval fleet at Kolaba (Bombay) which helped him in fighting with Siddhis (Negro Musalmans of Abyssinia/ Ethiopia), who were ruling Janjira islands in the Arabian Sea.

Land revenue was an important source of income for the state. Shivaji collected 40% of the total produce. He introduced two new taxes. They were:

(i) Chauth- It was 1/4th of the total produce. It was collected from the neighbouring areas of the Maratha kingdom to avoid the Maratha raids.

(ii ) Sardeshmukh - It was an additional levy of 1/10th of the produce. Shivaji abolished the Deshmukh (zamindari) system and ordered the farmers to pay 10% to the government in the form of Sardeshmukh which earlier was being paid to Deshmukhs.

Shivaji took up the following welfare measures:

(i) He imposed restrictions on social evils like sati, dowry, child marriages and exorbitant interest rates.

(ii) He built many roads and bridges.

(iii) He excavated many tanks for potable water and irrigation.