Mughal-empire / Mughal Empire / Painting during Mughals

Painting during Mughals

  • The development of Mughal painting is credited to Akbar and Jahangir
  • Mughal painting evolved from the Persian school of miniature painting with Hindu, Buddhist and Jain influences
  • Paintings revolved around themes like battles, legendary stories, hunting scenes, wildlife, royal life, mythology, etc.
  • Akbar was very particular about details and artistic elements, commissioned massive painting projects, and had an impressive number of painters in his court
  • Jahangir was largely influenced by European painting and ordered his painters to follow the single point perspective used by European artists
  • Jahangir commissioned many paintings of birds, animals, and flowers in a realistic manner
  • Shah Jahan commissioned many paintings for his personal collection with themes like gardens, pictures that gave great aesthetic pleasure, and lovers in intimate positions
  • Shah Jahan's eldest son preferred depicting natural elements like plants and animals in his paintings.