Gupta-age / Gupta Age / Gupta Age Notes

Gupta Age Notes

Gupta Empire: A Glance into its History, Politics, Religion and Education

History and Extent

  • Gupta Empire existed between 320 and 550 CE
  • Founded by Sri Gupta, succeeded by Ghatotkacha, and flourished for more than a century
  • The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central and parts of southern India
  • Little is known about the early days of this Gupta dynasty
  • Travelogues of Fa Hien, Hiuen Tsang, and Yijing prove to be invaluable in this respect


Reign (CE)


Sri-Gupta I

late 3rd century CE

Founder of the dynasty.


280/290–319 CE


Chandra-Gupta I

320 – 335 CE.

  • Chandragupta I was the son of Ghatotkacha, the first independent king of the Gupta dynasty
  • It is said that the empire of Chandragupta I may have included the areas of modern Bihar and parts of Uttar
  • Pradesh and Bengal.


335 to 370 CE

  • Chandragupta I was succeeded by his son Samudragupta.
  • Samudragupta was the greatest of all the kings and his reign witnessed expansion and consolidation of the Gupta empire.
  • It is generally believed that during his time, the Gupta Empire spanned from the Himalayas in north to the mouth of Krishna and Godavari rivers in the South, from Balkh, Afghanistan in the west to the Brahmaputra River in the east.
  • Samudragupta was very attentive to Rajdharma (duties of a king) and took special care to follow Kautilya’s (350 – 275 BCE) Arthashastra.
  • An inscription, probably commissioned by subsequent Gupta kings, known as the Allahabad Pillar is most eloquent about his humane qualities.


Mid 4th century CE


Chandra-Gupta II Vikramaditya

  • The peak of the territorial expansion of the Gupta empire reached its heights during the reign of Chandragupta-II, the son of Samudragupta.
  • The most important military achievement of Chandragupta-II was his war against Saka Kshatraps of western India
  • As a result of the conquest of Western India, the Western boundaries of the empire became secure for some time and Guptas gained control over Broach, Sopara, Cambay and other sea ports.
  • The exploits of a king called Chandra are glorified in an Iron Pillar inscription fixed near Qutb Minar in Delhi.
  • The Chandra of the Mehrauli Iron Pillar Inscription has been identified with Chandragupta-II.
  • The famous Chinese pilgrim, Fahien visited India,  during the reign of Chandragupta II.
  • The Court of Chandragupta was adorned by celebrated scholars collectively known as ‘Navaratnas’.
  • The Gupta Empire reached its pinnacle during this time and unprecedented progress marked all areas of life.

Kumara-Gupta I

415–455 CE

  • He seems to have maintained control of his inherited territory, which extended from Gujarat in the west to Bengal region in the east


455–467 CE

  • It is stated that he restored the fallen fortunes of the Gupta family, which has led to suggestions that during his predecessor’s last years, the Empire may have suffered reverses, possibly against the Pushyamitras or the Hunas.
  • He is generally considered the last of the great Gupta Emperors

Politics and Administration

  • Governance of the vast empire showed great tact and foresight
  • Large kingdom divided into smaller Pradesha (provinces) and appointed administrative heads
  • Kings maintained discipline and transparency in the bureaucratic process
  • Criminal law was mild, capital punishment was unheard of and judicial torture was not practised
  • Fa Hien described the cities of Mathura and Pataliputra as picturesque, with the latter being a city of flowers
  • People could move around freely
  • Law and order reigned, and incidents of theft and burglary were rare

Socio-economic Conditions

  • People led a simple life, and commodities were affordable
  • All-round prosperity ensured that their requirements were met easily
  • Gold and silver coins were issued in great numbers
  • Trade and commerce flourished both within the country and outside
  • Highly evolved steel craft led everyone to believe that Indian iron was not subject to corrosion
  • Trade relations with the Middle East improved
  • Ivory, tortoise shell, silk, and some medicinal plants were high on the list of imports
  • Food, grain, spices, salt, gems, and gold bullion were primary commodities of inland trade


  • Gupta kings were devout Vaishnava themselves
  • They maintained a cordial relationship between the various communities
  • Tolerant towards the believers of Buddhism and Jainism
  • Buddhist monasteries received liberal donations
  • Nalanda prospered under their patronage
  • Jainism flourished in northern Bengal, Gorakhpur, Udayagiri, and Gujarat
  • Several Jain establishments existed across the empire, and Jain councils were a regular occurrence

Literature, Sciences and Education

  • Sanskrit once again attained the status of a lingua franca and managed to scale even greater heights than before
  • Poet and playwright Kalidasa created epics like Abhijnanasakuntalam, Malavikagnimitram, Raghuvansha, and Kumarsambhaba
  • Harishena, a renowned poet, panegyrist, and flutist, composed Allahabad Prasasti
  • Sudraka wrote Mricchakatika, Vishakhadatta created Mudrarakshasa, and Vishnusharma penned Panchatantra
  • Vararuchi, Baudhayana, Ishwar Krishna, and Bhartrihari contributed to both Sanskrit and Prakrit linguistics, philosophy, and science
  • Varahamihira wrote Brihatsamhita and also contributed to the fields of astronomy and astrology
  • Mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata wrote Surya Siddhanta, which covered several aspects of geometry, trigonometry, and cosmology
  • Shanku devoted himself to creating texts about Geography
  • Dhanvantri’s discoveries helped the Indian medicinal system of Ayurveda become more refined and efficient
  • Doctors were skilled in surgical practices, and inoculation against contagious diseases was performed
  • Puranas in their present form were composed during this period
  • Several educational institutions were set up, and the existing ones received continuous support.

Art, Architecture & Culture in Gupta Era

  • Fine examples of painting, sculpture, and architecture in Ajanta, Ellora, Sarnath, Mathura, Anuradhapura, and Sigiriya.
  • Shilpa Shasrta principles followed in town planning.
  • Metalwork skills evident in stone studded golden stairways, iron pillars, gold coins, jewellery, and metal sculptures.
  • Thriving industries in carved ivories, wood and lac-work, brocades, and embroidered textiles.
  • Encouragement of artists and litterateurs to meditate on imagery within and capture its essence in their creations.
  • Emphasis on music, dance, and musical instruments like veena, flute, and mridangam.
  • Climax of casting metal images and height of glory in fresco and cave paintings.

Decline of Gupta Empire

  • Pushyamitras and Huns dealt significant blows to Gupta Empire.
  • Feudatories like Maitrakas, Vardhanas, Maukharis, Gaudas, and Yasovarman asserted their independence, leading to the loss of political unity.
  • Weak and incompetent successors unable to maintain hold over the empire.
  • Dissent among royal princes further weakened the Guptas.
  • Trade with Roman Empire declined due to Hun attacks on the Roman Empire.
  • Granting land assignments to officers instead of salaries led to loss of state income.
  • Much of the income spent in suppressing uprisings and repelling invasions.