Foreign-direct-investment / Foreign Direct Investment / Incentives to FDI

Incentives to FDI

FDI incentives in India can come in various forms, including:

  • Higher Levels of Equity Allowed:
    • Flexible regulations allowing higher levels of equity ownership for foreign investors.
  • Low Rates of Corporate Tax:
    • Competitive corporate tax rates to attract foreign companies.
  • Tax Holidays:
    • Periods of tax holidays during which companies are exempt from certain taxes.
  • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA):
    • Agreements with other countries to avoid double taxation on the same income.
  • Special Economic Zones (SEZs):
    • Designated zones with regulatory and fiscal incentives to promote exports and economic activities.
  • R&D Support:
    • Support and incentives for research and development activities.

These factors collectively contribute to making India a conducive environment for foreign direct investments.