The-world-from-1919-23 / The World from 1919-23 / Comparison of UN with the League of Nations

Comparison of UN with the League of Nations


United Nations (UN)

League of Nations




Governing Document

UN Charter

League Covenant

Active US and USSR


No (USSR joined late in 1934)

Dominant Powers


Britain and France


World peace, individual rights, socio-economic development

No protection for individual rights

General Assembly

Decisions not unanimous

Decisions required unanimity


Developing countries have significant voice

Colonies had no say


Nearly all nations are members

Limited membership

UN Security Council

Voting doesn't require unanimity

Voting required unanimity

Permanent Members

USA, France, Britain, Russia, China

France, Britain, Japan, Italy (by 1926)

Non-Permanent Members

10 elected for 2 years

9 elected for 3 years (by 1926)

Success Factors for the United Nations (UN):

  1. Dedication to Economic and Social Development: The UN has devoted more time and resources to economic and social development work. It has established numerous specialized agencies focusing on various aspects of development, contributing to its effectiveness in these areas. Notably, the scope of the UN in the domain of socio-economic development is much broader than that of the LoN.
  2. Emphasis on Good Governance: The UN places a strong emphasis on promoting good governance and has formulated and worked with member nations to achieve development targets, such as the Millennium Development Goals. This focus on governance and development has contributed to its success.
  3. Revised Decision-Making Procedures: The UN has adapted its decision-making procedures to address issues of unanimous voting and veto powers. The ability to bypass unanimous decisions in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and overrule the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) veto through the Uniting for Peace Resolution has allowed for more decisive action.
  4. Prestige of the UN Secretary-General: The UN Secretary-General holds a position of significant influence and prestige, which has enabled them to mediate conflicts and bring about ceasefires in various conflicts. Notable figures like Kofi Annan have been celebrated for their conflict resolution abilities.
  5. Global Governance in an Integrated World: The UN's importance has grown in the era of global governance, particularly as the world has become more integrated due to factors like liberalization, privatization, and globalization. The UN addresses issues of global concern, including environmental protection and the management of global commons.

In summary, the UN has benefited from its enhanced focus on economic and social development, good governance, and revised decision-making procedures. It has also adapted to the changing global landscape and has played a more significant role in addressing global challenges, making it more effective in its mission compared to the League of Nations.