The-world-from-1919-23 / The World from 1919-23 / League of Nations

League of Nations

The League of Nations was established in January 1920, headquartered in Geneva, alongside the implementation of the Treaty of Versailles. It emerged from the war aims of the Allied Powers and was primarily designed to prevent future conflicts.

Aims of the League of Nations:

  1. Prevention of War through Collective Security:
    • The League aimed to settle international disputes and prevent future wars by employing the principle of collective security.
    • Member nations were expected to act collectively against any nation attempting to initiate a war.
    • Actions against the aggressor nation would include economic sanctions and, if necessary, military intervention.
  2. Promotion of Economic and Social Development:
    • The League of Nations sought to foster international cooperation for socio-economic development worldwide.
    • Various organizations within the League were established to address economic and social issues.

These aims reflect the League's dual purpose: ensuring international peace and security while also promoting global socio-economic progress. The League of Nations represented a significant step toward establishing a framework for international cooperation and conflict resolution.