Fiscal-policy / Fiscal Policy / Plan and Non-plan Expenditure Classification.

Plan and Non-plan Expenditure Classification.

Plan and Non-plan Expenditure Classification: Historical Overview and Reforms

Introduction: Traditionally, government budgets have classified expenditure into various categories to provide transparency and insight into spending patterns. One such classification was the division of expenditure into Plan and Non-plan categories. This distinction aimed to prioritize and differentiate spending on asset creation from maintenance activities.

Plan Expenditure: Asset Creation for Development

  1. Definition:
    • Plan Expenditure was earmarked for activities focused on creating assets, including physical, human, and social capital. This category aimed at fostering development and enhancing the country's infrastructure.
  2. Asset Creation Examples:
    • Projects such as building dams, roads, power plants, and investments in social and human capital were categorized as Plan Expenditure. The goal was to contribute to long-term development objectives.
  3. Perverse Effects:
    • Despite the positive intent, the classification led to unintended consequences. Asset maintenance, crucial for the sustainability of infrastructure, was designated as Non-plan Expenditure. This led to neglect of maintenance activities, creating a false perception of skewed spending priorities.

Non-plan Expenditure: Maintenance and Upkeep

  1. Definition:
    • Non-plan Expenditure covered maintenance activities and the upkeep of existing assets. This included routine expenditures to ensure the functionality and longevity of previously created infrastructure.
  2. Maintenance Neglect:
    • The negative perception associated with Non-plan Expenditure resulted in a neglect of maintenance activities. The public viewed higher spending on maintenance as a diversion from capital formation, even though it was essential for the sustainability of assets.

Reforms: Dropping the Plan and Non-plan Distinction (2017-18 Onward)

  1. Intent of Reforms:
    • Recognizing the adverse effects of the Plan and Non-plan classification, the government decided to eliminate this distinction. The objective was to provide a more accurate representation of budgetary priorities and prevent the unintended consequences of neglecting maintenance and essential expenditures.
  2. Transparency and Public Perception:
    • The reform aimed to present a more transparent picture of government spending. Dropping the Plan and Non-plan categorization addressed public misperceptions and ensured that necessary expenditures, including maintenance and social investments, were not overshadowed.

Conclusion: The historical classification of Plan and Non-plan Expenditure served a specific purpose but had unintended consequences. Reforms in 2017-18 to eliminate this distinction aimed to provide a more accurate representation of government spending priorities, prevent neglect of maintenance, and enhance transparency in budgetary allocations. The focus shifted towards a holistic view of expenditures, ensuring that both asset creation and maintenance received due attention.