Planned-economic-development-in-india / Planned Economic Development in India / Financial Resources for Five-Year Plans

Financial Resources for Five-Year Plans

The financial resources allocated for the Five-Year Plans in India were drawn from various sources:

  1. Gross Budgetary Support (GBS): This constitutes the amount allocated from the central budget to fund the plan investments throughout the five-year plan. It encompasses the central government's contribution to the five-year plan, the assistance provided to states for their respective plans, and additional funding for central public sector projects.
  2. State Budgets: States also contribute a portion of their budgets towards the implementation of the five-year plans. This allocation aids in ensuring that both the central and state governments collaborate in achieving the plan objectives.
  3. Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs): Public sector enterprises, which are government-owned corporations or companies, play a significant role in funding and executing projects outlined in the five-year plans. These enterprises contribute a portion of their profits or funds towards plan investments.
  4. Domestic Private Sector: The domestic private sector, comprising privately owned businesses and industries, also participates in financing and executing projects identified in the five-year plans. Their contributions serve as an additional source of funding.
  5. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): FDI involves foreign entities investing capital in India to establish or expand businesses that produce goods and services. This inflow of foreign investment is utilized to support various projects within the scope of the five-year plans.

These diverse sources of financial support collectively ensure that the objectives outlined in each Five-Year Plan receive the necessary funding for successful implementation. This multifaceted approach to funding reflects India's commitment to achieving sustained economic growth and development over the stipulated planning period.