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What is Marine Protected Area?

  • A marine protected area (MPA) is essentially a space in the ocean where human activities are more strictly regulated than the surrounding waters - similar to parks we have on land. These places are given special protections for natural or historic marine resources by local, state, territorial, native, regional, or national authorities.

List of Marine Protected Areas in Peninsular India

S.No. State/UT Name of MPA Legal Status Area Year of Notificaion
1 Andhra Pradesh Coringa  Sanctuary  235.70  1978
2 Andhra Pradesh Krishna  Sanctuary  194.81  1989
3 Andhra Pradesh Pulicat Lake Sanctuary  600.00  1980
4 Daman & Diu Fudam Sanctuary  2.18  1991
5 Goa  Chorao Island Sanctuary  1.78  1988
6 Gujarat  Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) National Park  162.89  1995
7 Gujarat  Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) Sanctuary 295.03  1980
8 Gujarat  Khijadia Sanctuary 6.05  1981
9 Kerala  Kadalundi Vallikkunnu  Community Reserve  1.50  2007
10 Maharashtra  Malvan Marine  Sanctuary  29.12  1987
11 Maharashtra  Thane Creek Flamingo  Sanctuary  16.905  2015
12 Odisha  Bhitarkanika  National Park  145.00  1998
13 Odisha  Bhitarkanika  Sanctuary  525.00  1975
14 Odisha  Chilka (Nalaban)  Sanctuary  15.53  1987
15 Odisha  Gahirmatha  Sanctuary  1435.00  1997
16 Odisha  Balukhand Konark  Sanctuary  71.72  1984
17 Tamil Nadu Gulf of Mannar Marine  National Park  526.02  1980
18 Tamil Nadu Point Calimere  Sanctuary  17.26  1967
19 Tamil Nadu Pulicat Lake  Sanctuary  153.67  1980
20 Tamil Nadu Pulicat Lake Block-A & Block-B  Sanctuary  124.0727  2013
21 West Bengal  Sundarbans  National Park  1330.10  1984
22 West Bengal West Sundarbans  Sanctuary  556.45  2013
23 West Bengal Haliday Island  Sanctuary  5.95  1976
24 West Bengal Sajnakhali  Sanctuary  362.40  1976
25 West Bengal Lothian Island  Sanctuary  38.00  1976
Total Area  6852.14  

List of Marine Protected Areas in Islands of India

S.No.  Name of MPA  Legal Status  Area of MPA  Year of Notification
Andaman & Nicobars Islands
  Campbell Bay  National Park  426.23  1992
  Galathea Bay  National Park  110.00  1992
  Mahatama Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) National Park  281.50  1983
  Mount Harriett  National Park  46.62  1987
  Rani Jhansi Marine  National Park  320.06  1996
  Saddle Peak  National Park  32.54  1987
  Arial Island  Sanctuary  0.05  1987
  Bamboo Island Sanctuary  0.05  1987
  Barren Island  Sanctuary  8.10  1987
  Battimalv Island  Sanctuary  2.23  1987
  Belle Island  Sanctuary 0.08  1987
  Benett Island  Sanctuary  3.46  1987
  Bingham Island  Sanctuary  0.08  1987
  Blister Island  Sanctuary  0.26  1987
  Bluff Island  Sanctuary  1.14  1987
  Bondoville Island  Sanctuary  2.55  1987
  Brush Island  Sanctuary 0.23  1987
  Buchanan Island  Sanctuary  9.33  1987
  Chanel Island  Sanctuary  0.13 1987
  Cinque Islands  Sanctuary  9.51  1987
  Clyde Island Sanctuary  0.54  1987
  Cone Island  Sanctuary  0.65  1987
  Curlew (B.P.) Island  Sanctuary  0.16 1987
  Curlew Island  Sanctuary 0.03 1987
  Cuthbert Bay  Sanctuary  5.82  1997
  Defence Island  Sanctuary  10.49  1987
  Dot Island  Sanctuary  0.13  1987
  Duncan Island  Sanctuary  0.73  1987
  East Island  Sanctuary  6.11  1987
  East of Inglis Island  Sanctuary  3.55  1987
  Egg Island  Sanctuary  0.05  1987
  Elat Island  Sanctuary  9.36  1987
  Entrance Island  Sanctuary  0.96  1987
  Gander Island  Sanctuary  0.05  1987
  Girjan Island  Sanctuary  0.16  1987
  Goose Island  Sanctuary  0.01  1987
  Hump Island  Sanctuary  0.47  1987
  Interview Island  Sanctuary  133.87  1987
  James Island  Sanctuary  2.10  1987
  Jungle Island  Sanctuary  0.52  1987
  Kwangtung Island  Sanctuary  0.57  1987
  Kyd Island  Sanctuary  8.00  1987
  Landfall Island  Sanctuary  29.48  1987
  Latouche Island  Sanctuary  0.96  1987
  Lohabarrack (Saltwater Crocodile)  Sanctuary  22.21  1987
  Mangrove Island  Sanctuary  0.39  1987
  Mask Island  Sanctuary  0.78  1987
  Mayo Island  Sanctuary  0.10  1987
  Montogemery Island  Sanctuary  0.21  1987
  Narcondam Island  Sanctuary  6.81  1987
  North Brother Island  Sanctuary  0.75  1987
  North Island  Sanctuary  0.49  1987
  North Reef Island  Sanctuary  3.48  1987
  Oliver Island  Sanctuary  0.16  1987
  Orchid Island  Sanctuary  0.10  1987
  Ox Island  Sanctuary  0.13  1987
  Oyster Island-I  Sanctuary  0.08  1987
  Oyster Island-II  Sanctuary  0.21  1987
  Paget Island  Sanctuary  7.36  1987
  Parkinson Island  Sanctuary  0.34  1987
  Passage Island Sanctuary  0.62  1987
  Patric Island  Sanctuary  0.13  1987
  Peacock Island  Sanctuary  0.62  1987
  Pitman Island  Sanctuary  1.37  1987
  Point Island  Sanctuary  3.07  1987
  Potanma Islands  Sanctuary  0.16  1987
  Ranger Island  Sanctuary  4.26  1987
  Reef Island  Sanctuary  1.74  1987
  Roper Island  Sanctuary  1.46  1987
  Ross Island  Sanctuary  1.01  1987
  Rowe Island  Sanctuary  0.01  1987
  Sandy Island  Sanctuary  1.58  1987
  Sea Serpent Island  Sanctuary  0.78  1987
  Shark Island  Sanctuary  0.60  1987
  Shearme Island  Sanctuary  7.85  1987
  Sir Hugh Rose Island  Sanctuary  1.06  1987
  Sisters Island  Sanctuary  0.36  1987
  Snake Island-I  Sanctuary  0.73  1987
  Snake Island-II  Sanctuary  0.03  1987
  South Brother Island  Sanctuary  1.24  1987
  South Reef Island  Sanctuary  1.17  1987
  South Sentinel Island  Sanctuary  1.61  1987
  Spike Island-I  Sanctuary  0.42  1987
  Spike Island-II  Sanctuary  11.70  1987
  Stoat Island  Sanctuary  0.44  1987
  Surat Island  Sanctuary  0.31  1987
  Swamp Island  Sanctuary  4.09 1987
  Table (Delgarno) Island  Sanctuary  2.29  1987
  Table (Excelsior) Island  Sanctuary  1.69  1987
  Talabaicha Island  Sanctuary  3.21  1987
  Temple Island  Sanctuary  1.04  1987
  Tillongchang Island  Sanctuary  16.83  1985
  Tree Island  Sanctuary  0.03  1987
  Trilby Island  Sanctuary 0.96  1987
  Tuft Island  Sanctuary  0.29  1987
  Turtle Islands  Sanctuary 0.39  1987
  West Island  Sanctuary 6.40  1987
  Wharf Island  Sanctuary  0.11  1987
  White Cliff Island  Sanctuary  0.47  1987
Total Area  1594.78  
1 Pitti  Sanctuary  0.01  2002
A. Attakoya Thangal Marine  Conservation Reserve  40.00  2019
Dr. K.K. Mohammed Koya Sea Cucumber  Conservation Reserve  172.59  2019
P.M. Sayeed Marine Birds  Conservation Reserve  57.46  2019
Total Area  270.06  
Grand Total Area  1864.84