Post-mauryan-age / Post Mauryan Age / Meghvarman Dynasty

Meghvarman Dynasty

The information about the Meghavarman dynasty that ruled over Orissa is available only through the Hathigumpha inscription. This inscription has been found in a Jain cave temple in Udayagiri hills near Bhubaneshwar. A king named Kharavela (2nd century B.C.) laid the inscription in Prakrit language and Brahmi script, which is a prashasti.

It records the chronology of the victories of Kharavela. According to this inscription:

  • Kharavaela rebuilt his capital Kalinganagari that was destroyed in floods.
  • He repaired the irrigation canals that were constructed in Kalinga during the reign of Nandas.
  • He invaded Pataliputra twice and got enormous wealth.
  • He defeated Satavahanas and destroyed their cities.
  • He also defeated an alliance formed by the South Indian kingdoms of Pandya, Chola and Cheras.
  • He patronized Jainism