Parliament / Parliament / Comparison of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Comparison of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Comparison of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Difference Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
What is it called? House of people/Lower house of Parliament Council of states/Upper house of Parliament
How members of Lok sabha and Rajya sabha are elected? Lok sabha members are elected by Universal adult suffrage by mode of direct representation from their respective constituencies Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected by the representative of the state Assemblies of states and union territories with a system of Proportional representation
Composition-related Constitutional provisions mentioned? Article 81 Article 80
What is the duration of each house? (Article 83) 5 years (unless sooner dissolved by no-confidence motion or can be extended by Parliament while Proclamation of emergency is in operation) It is a permanent house (Never dissolved, Only 1/3 of members retire every second year)
What is the age criteria? (Article 84) 25 years 30 years

Who is the presiding officer of each house?

  • Speaker (Article 93)
  • Lok Sabha chooses its own Speaker/ Presiding Officer
  • Lok Sabha Speaker presides over the joint seating of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (Article 108). In his absence deputy speaker of Lok Sabha presides over joint sitting.
  • Vice President of India (Article 64)
  • The Vice President of India is by default presiding officer for the Rajya Sabha.
  • In absence of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha presides over the joint sitting of both houses called by the President.

What are the functions of each house?

Lok Sabha plays a major role in legislation, due to its strength, Constitutional provisions. Lokasabha has a major role in passing the money bill (Article 110) and controlling the government. Rajya Sabha has a major role in the formation of All India services and declaration of the subject on the state list of the national interest.