Foreign-trade / Foreign Trade / Some Important terms.

Some Important terms.

  1. DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade):
    • Headed by the Director General of Foreign Trade.
    • Responsible for formulating and executing exim (export and import) policy, including licensing.
  2. EPZs (Export Processing Zones) and EOUs (Export Oriented Units):
    • EPZ: Special enclaves providing a duty-free environment for export production, separate from the national market (DTA - Domestic Tariff Area).
    • EOU: Complementary to the EPZ scheme, dispersed in various locations, facilitating export-oriented production.
  3. Forfaiting:
    • Finance companies collect money due to exporters from importers for a commission.
    • Forfaiters assume risks associated with receivables.
  4. RoDTEP (Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Product):
    • Introduced in 2019 by the Government of India to replace the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS).
    • Monitored by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and claimed to be WTO-compatible.
  5. Deemed Exports:
    • Refers to inputs used in exports, receiving similar concessions as actual exports for promotion.
  6. EPCG (Export Promotion Capital Goods) Scheme:
    • Allows manufacturers to import capital goods for export production at a concessional rate against a specified export obligation.
  7. EEFC (Exchange Earners Foreign Currency) Account Scheme:
    • Introduced in 1992, enables exporters and other exchange earners to retain a portion of their receipts in foreign exchange with an authorized dealer in India.
  8. ITC (HS) - Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System):
    • System classifying products for export and import purposes.
  9. Counter Trade:
    • International barter where goods are paid for with other goods.
  10. ASIDE (Assistance to States for Development of Export Infrastructure and other activities) Scheme:
    • Scheme providing assistance to states for developing export infrastructure and related activities.