Foreign-trade / Foreign Trade / Challenges to Boosting India's Exports..

Challenges to Boosting India's Exports..

Global Challenges:

  1. Global Trade Slowdown:
    • The overall slowdown in global trade poses a challenge, limiting the potential growth of India's exports.
    • External demand, a key driver of exports, is impacted by global economic conditions.
  2. Tariff Wars and Stability Threats:
    • Ongoing tariff wars between major economies contribute to trade instability, affecting global supply chains.
    • The uncertainty in trade policies can deter international business engagements.
  3. Multilateralism in Retreat:
    • Retreat from multilateralism hampers the effectiveness of global trade agreements and collaborative efforts.
    • Bilateral and regional approaches may not fully compensate for the benefits of multilateral agreements.
  4. Debates on Regional Trading Arrangements:
    • The potential impact of regional trading arrangements, such as the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership), is a subject of debate.
    • Ensuring favorable terms within regional agreements requires strategic negotiation.

Domestic Challenges:

  1. Weak Infrastructure:
    • Insufficient infrastructure, including ports, roads, and power facilities, hinders the smooth movement of goods.
    • Infrastructure inadequacies contribute to delays and increase costs.
  2. High Transaction Costs:
    • Procedural cumbersomeness and bureaucratic processes result in high transaction costs.
    • Simplifying procedures and reducing red tape are essential for cost-effective trade operations.
  3. Skill Deficit:
    • A deficit in skilled manpower poses challenges in meeting the demands of various industries.
    • Addressing skill gaps is crucial for enhancing productivity and competitiveness.
  4. Rigid Labour Laws:
    • The rigidity of existing labour laws can impede the flexibility required for dynamic business operations.
    • Labor reforms are essential to create a conducive environment for both employers and employees.
  5. Tax Stability Post-GST:
    • The introduction of GST (Goods and Services Tax) has brought changes to the tax landscape.
    • Ensuring stability and addressing concerns related to GST implementation is vital for businesses.


Navigating the complex landscape of global trade challenges requires a multi-faceted approach. Addressing domestic issues, improving infrastructure, reducing transaction costs, investing in skill development, and undertaking necessary reforms will contribute to enhancing India's resilience and competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, fostering international collaborations and advocating for multilateralism can play a pivotal role in overcoming global challenges.