Economy / Foreign Trade / FTAs, Trade Creation, and Trade Diversion

FTAs, Trade Creation, and Trade Diversion

Trade Creation:

  • Definition: Trade creation occurs when a free trade area generates trade that would not have existed otherwise.
  • Factors:
    • Price advantage.
    • Specialization benefits.
    • Scale benefits.
    • General economic buoyancy due to a larger market.
  • Results:
    • More employment.
    • Increased domestic taxes.
    • General improvement in welfare.

Trade Diversion:

  • Definition: Trade diversion happens when a free trade area redirects trade from a more efficient supplier outside the FTA to a less efficient supplier within the FTA.
  • Factors:
    • Tariffs are the primary influential factor.
  • Results:
    • Tariffs hinder the realization of FTA goals.
    • Inefficiencies may prevail within the FTA.

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