Economy / Banking System In India / Development Banks.

Development Banks.

  1. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI):
    • Established in 1948.
    • Provides long-term capital for industries.
  2. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI):
    • Initially a development bank, later transformed into a universal bank.
    • Resulted in the formation of IDBI Bank.
  3. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI):
    • Merged with ICICI Bank in 2000.
    • Evolved into a universal bank.
  4. Industrial Investment Bank of India (IBI):
    • Focus on providing long-term capital for industries.
  5. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI):
    • Focuses on providing long-term capital to small industries.
  6. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD):
    • Established to provide long-term capital for agriculture and rural development.
  7. Export-Import Bank of India:
    • Focus on financing and promoting international trade.
  8. National Housing Bank (NHB):
    • Focuses on providing long-term capital for housing projects.

Evolution and Purpose:

  • Development banks address the long-term financing requirements of industries and agriculture.
  • Established to fill the gap left by commercial banks, which primarily address short-term working capital needs.
  • Evolution includes the transformation of some development banks into universal banks (IDBI Bank, ICICI Bank).
  • Aim to provide concessional financing to promote industrial and agricultural growth.

Recommendations and Transformations:

  • S.H. Khan committee recommended transforming development finance institutions (DFIs) into universal banks.
  • Resulted in the formation of IDBI Bank and ICICI Bank, which expanded their services beyond traditional development finance.

Union Budget 2021-22 and Development Financial Institution (DFI):

  • Proposal: The Union Budget proposed the creation of a Development Financial Institution (DFI) to accelerate investment in the infrastructure sector.
  • Need for DFI: Infrastructure projects require long-term debt financing, and a professionally managed DFI is considered necessary to provide, enable, and catalyze infrastructure financing.
  • Corpus: The proposed DFI will have a corpus of Rs 20,000 crores.

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