Economy / Public Sector - Evolution, Reforms and Performance / Methods of Disinvestment of Minority Stake in CPSES.

Methods of Disinvestment of Minority Stake in CPSES.

  1. Initial Public Offering (IPO):
    • The government offers shares of an unlisted Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) to the public for subscription for the first time.
  2. Further Public Offering (FPO):
    • The government offers additional shares of a listed CPSE to the public for subscription.
  3. Offer for Sale (OFS):
    • Promoters sell shares through the stock exchange mechanism, auctioning them to institutional investors. This method has been extensively used by the government since 2012.
  4. Strategic Sale:
    • Sale of a substantial equity stake, often a controlling interest, to a strategic partner.
  5. CPSE Exchange Traded Fund (ETF):
    • Bundling shares of multiple CPSEs into an Exchange-Traded Fund, which is then listed on the stock exchange.
  6. Cross Holdings:
    • State-owned companies purchase shares of one another, creating crossholdings for collaborative purposes.

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