World-history / Major events before World War -I / Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points (1918)

Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points (1918)

These points essentially outlined the war aims of the Allied Powers during World War I.

  1. Abolition of secret diplomacy
  2. Free navigation at sea for all nations in war and peace
  3. Removal of economic barriers between states
  4. All-round reduction of armaments
  5. Impartial adjustment of colonial claims in the interests of the populations concerned
  6. Evacuation of Russian territory
  7. Restoration of Belgium
  8. Liberation of France and restoration of Alsace and Lorraine to France
  9. Readjustment of Italian frontiers along the lines of nationality
  10. Self-government for people of Austria-Hungary
  11. Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro to be evacuated, and Serbia to be given sea access
  12. Self-government for the non-Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire and permanent opening of the Dardanelles
  13. An independent Poland with secure access to the sea
  14. A general association of nations to preserve peace

Under pressure from Britain and France, Wilson added two more points specifically regarding Germany:

  • Disarmament of Germany
  • War reparations by Germans for civilian losses caused by them in occupied territories

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