Medieval-indian-history / Mughal Empire / Nasiruddin Mohammad Humayn (1530-1540 ; 1555-56)

Nasiruddin Mohammad Humayn (1530-1540 ; 1555-56)

  • Humayun succeeded Babur as the ruler of the Mughal Empire after his death in 1530.
  • Despite his name meaning "fortune," Humayun was an unfortunate ruler who was not a skilled soldier like his father.
  • He faced challenges such as a weak financial system and the growing power of the Afghans, particularly under Sher Khan (later Sher Shah) in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
  • To counter this, Humayun defeated the Afghans at Daurah in 1532 and laid siege to the strong fort of Chunar.
  • However, in 1539, Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun in the Battle of Chausa, and Humayun barely managed to escape.
  • In the following year, Sher Shah Suri confronted Humayun again in Kannauj and defeated him completely in the Battle of Kannauj 1540.
  • As a result of this victory, Sher Shah Suri began his independent rule.

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