Economy / Foreign Trade / Important Schemes

Important Schemes

Market Access Initiative (MAI): Facilitating Export Promotion

The Market Access Initiative (MAI) scheme is designed to provide financial assistance for medium-term export promotion efforts, concentrating on specific countries and products. It supports various entities, including Export Promotion Councils (EPCs), Industry and Trade Associations (ITAs), State Government Agencies, Indian Commercial Missions (ICMs) abroad, and other eligible organizations.

Supported Activities under MAI: Financial assistance from MAI can be utilized for a range of export promotion activities, such as:

  1. Market Studies: Conducting studies to understand and analyze target markets.
  2. Showrooms/Warehouses: Establishing facilities to showcase and store products.
  3. Sales Promotion Campaigns: Implementing campaigns to boost sales and product visibility.
  4. International Departmental Stores: Participating in or establishing presence in global retail spaces.
  5. Publicity Campaigns: Promoting products through various publicity channels.
  6. Participation in International Trade Fairs: Showcasing products at global trade events.
  7. Brand Promotion: Building and promoting the brand identity.
  8. Registration Charges: Covering charges related to pharmaceuticals and export promotion efforts.
  9. Testing Charges: Supporting testing costs for engineering products.

Marketing Development Assistance (MDA): MDA is a similar initiative that complements MAI in supporting export promotion. It provides financial assistance for various marketing and promotional activities.

Export and Trading Houses: Exporters are categorized based on their total Free on Board (FOB) export performance over the current and previous three years. This categorization helps determine eligibility and support levels for entities engaged in export activities.

Conclusion: MAI serves as a valuable tool in enhancing India's export promotion efforts by providing financial assistance for targeted and impactful activities. By focusing on specific countries and products, MAI contributes to a strategic and effective approach in expanding market access and boosting international trade.

Export Promotion Schemes and Initiatives: Enhancing India's Global Presence

India employs various export promotion schemes and initiatives to stimulate growth in the export sector and establish a robust global presence. Some of these initiatives include:

  1. Served from India:
    • Objective: Accelerate growth in the export of services, creating a powerful Served From India brand.
    • Eligibility: Based on minimum forex earnings.
    • Benefits: Duty Credit scrip for offsetting duty payments on imports.
  2. Focus Market Scheme (FMS):
    • Objective: Offset high freight costs and externalities to enhance export competitiveness in specific international markets.
    • Programs: Focus (LAC), Focus (Africa), Focus (CIS), and Focus (ASEAN + 2).
    • Benefits: Duty Credit scrip for eligible exports.
  3. Focus Product Scheme (FPS):
    • Objective: Incentivize the export of products with high employment intensity in rural and semi-urban areas.
    • Special Initiatives: Agriculture, handicrafts, handlooms, gems and jewelry, leather, and footwear sectors.
    • Benefits: Duty Credit scrip for notified products.
  4. High-Technology Products Export Promotion Scheme (HPEPS):
    • Objective: Incentivize the export of high-technology products to all countries.
    • Benefits: Eligibility for Duty Credit Scrip.
  5. 100 Per Cent Export Oriented Units:
    • Introduction: Since 1981, the scheme aims to boost sector-specific exports from all parts of India.
    • Coverage: Manufacturing/processing and services.
    • Objectives: Increase exports, earn foreign exchange, transfer technologies, attract foreign investment, and generate employment.
  6. GS1-India:
    • Role: Not-for-profit standards body promoting global standards adoption in supply chain management.
    • Standards: GS1 standards for identification of consumer products in retail.
    • Objective: Provide guidance on global standards adoption for the benefit of consumers, industry, and government.

Conclusion: These export promotion schemes and initiatives contribute to India's strategic approach in expanding its global trade footprint. By offering various incentives and support mechanisms, the government aims to enhance competitiveness, diversify geographical bases, and promote key sectors critical for economic growth.

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